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HubSpot in Higher Education

Digital Transformation Checklist

Transform your institution digitally with HubSpot—download your checklist today!

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Are you ready to start your digital transformation?

Whatever you're implementing, a strategic framework is crucial. This guide outlines steps to:

  • Define your digital transformation objectives: not sure exactly what you are looking for yet or if HubSpot would be the right fit? In our guide, we will take you through a few questions to help you define exactly what it is you want from a platform.
  • Create the perfect action plans: Once you have decided if HubSpot is going to suit your goals, then it's time to create the perfect action plan to make sure your migration is as smooth as can be. A well-thought-out roadmap can prevent future bumps, potholes, and even road blocks along the way. 
  • How to implement your plans: How you implement depends purely on which platform you are coming from and what tier you are heading to in HubSpot. In this guide we will walk you through several factors which will effect you and make sure you know how to tackle each one efficiently.
  • The next steps: Digital transformation isn't static, once you are up to speed it doesn't mean you are going to stay there. With the goal posts forever moving you need to make sure you are ready to adapt with new technology and trends. This is where your post implementation review comes in, so you know where you are now and where you aim to be in the future.

With these crucial steps, plus many more in the guide, you will have all you need to get started on your journey to digital transformation.

Download your copy now

There's been a big shift in higher education, quietly, but the digital transformation is accelerating to meet the expectations of its students. With online learning, digital classrooms, and digital libraries becoming the new normal, are you ready to find out how HubSpot could help you keep up? 



Our digital transformation checklist

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