HubSpot Automation: How to Trigger Account Management Communications From a Playbook Submission

Learn how to automate follow-up emails to clients after using an "Account Check-In" playbook.

One of the biggest challenges for account managers is ensuring timely and consistent follow-up after client interactions. Missed follow-ups can lead to unhappy clients and lost opportunities but HubSpot's latest updates address this head-on by allowing users to trigger workflows from a playbook submission.

This is great for all teams, not just sales reps, as it automates repetitive tasks and saves time - meaning Account Managers can benefit too. Find out how to set up an automated follow-up email to clients immediately after completing an "Account Check-In" playbook in this hack:


  1. Navigate to Automation > Workflows.
  2. Click on Create workflow from scratch
  3. Click Set up triggers.

  4. Select When an event occurs.

  5. Under CRM, choose Playbook log.

Step 2

Triggers can also be set up for the user ID by following the same steps

User ID

6. Click Add criteria.

7. Choose the specific playbook you want to include, in this case, the "Account Check-In" playbook.

Step 3

8. Select an action from one of the four categories: Communication, CRM, Marketing, or Data Ops.

9. For sending a follow-up email, choose Send email under the Communication category.

10. Select whether the trigger re-enrolls, repeats itself, or only repeats the event on the object the first time it happens - we'd suggest re-enrollment for this example. 

Example Follow-Up Email

Here’s a sample email template you might use:

Subject: Thank You for Checking In with [Contact Owner]

Hi [Client's First Name],

Thank you for taking the time to check in with us recently. We appreciate your continued partnership and wanted to follow up with a formal survey as mentioned.

[Link to Survey]

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out.

Best regards,
[Your Name]
[Your Title]
[Your Contact Information]

By following these steps, you can efficiently manage your client relationships and ensure timely follow-up communication after every account check-in. This not only improves client satisfaction but also helps in maintaining a structured and proactive approach to account management.