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The HubSpot Administrator's Handbook

HubSpot has grown from being marketing-only software to a CRM platform with countless tools across five business-wide hubs. It’s been a fantastic journey, but with this growth, buying and using HubSpot has become more difficult to get right.

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This handbook is your guide to:

  • Approaching your user permissions and team structure
  • Knowing your data inside out to keep it clean and useful
  • Staying on top of changes to stay in control
  • Remaining up to date with product updates and knowing how to ask for help

Configuring a brand new portal to work for you, fixing one you’ve inherited which is in a mess or keeping up with product updates and changes, there’s always something to be doing. 

In fact, The HubSpot Administrator is arguably a little under-recognised (or lacking altogether). It’s such an important role. It may have once sat within the marketing team, or sales ops… but now with global businesses, different stakeholders and increasing calls for end-to-end reporting, it’s becoming a role in itself.

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And learn how to master your portal like a pro...
