How to Create a Combined Fit and Engagement Lead Score (without Enterprise)

Qualify leads based on both engagement criteria and fit criteria, without Enterprise, using a calculation property to output the combined score value.

To effectively prioritise the contacts and companies within your CRM, you have the ability to create custom lead scores that reflect specific actions or attributes of each contact or company. These scores help to quantify the potential of each lead, allowing you to identify which contacts or companies are most likely to convert into customers.

More on lead scoring in HubSpot on their knowledge base here: Understand the lead scoring tool.

There are three types of lead scores you can create in HubSpot:

  • Engagement scores: qualify records based on their actions and interactions, such as visiting your website, subscribing to your newsletter, clicking a CTA, or opening a marketing email. For contacts, engagement scores evaluate a contact's actions. For companies, engagement scores evaluate a company's associated contacts' actions.
  • Fit scores: qualify records based on their demographic information through property values, such as their age, job title, company size, or annual revenue.
  • Combined scores (Enterprise only): qualify records based on engagement criteria and fit criteria. These scores populate a combined score value that looks at both actions and demographic information, as well as individual engagement and fit scores if you also want to look at them separately.

For combined scores, a colour-coded score threshold is outputted, to more easily help users find good leads. 


The labels are A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, B3, C1, C2, and C3. The letters refer to the fit score values where A is high-fit and C is low-fit. The numbers refer to engagement score values, where 1 is high engagement and 3 is low engagement. For example, a low-fit but highly engaged contact would have a value of C1.

If you do not have an Enterprise subscription but would like to output a combined score, a custom equation within a calculation property can be used.

This combined score can then be used in lists and / or reports to provide BDRs with 'buckets' of leads to work. 

Hannah Fisher portrait

Author: Hannah Fisher

HubSpot CRM Platform Consultant