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  2. Dashboards and Reporting

HubSpot Sales: How to Track Sales Email Opens in HubSpot

Track your SQLs' email opens to see how engaged they are.

Stop guessing and start knowing which leads are truly interested. By creating a custom property in HubSpot to track sales email opens, you can prioritise your outreach and close more deals. Keep reading to find out how...

1. Build out your property

To start off this hack, you'll need to build out the property so head over to settings > properties > select contact properties > create property. Once you are in there then:

  • Name accordingly
  • Select Object type as contact
  • Select the group you want it under, I selected Sales Information. 

Sales emails opened property 1

After this you want to select how this will display. Which is easy, you want it to display as numbers so select the settings below. 

sales emails propery After you have created your property, then you are going to need to automate the population.

2. Create your workflow

This part is super simple, head over to your workflows and create a new one from scratch. Select your enrolment trigger as sales emails opened is known, like shown below. 

sales emails opened workflow

Once you have done this then you will need to select the property you created at the beginning. Like the image below, make sure to select the property increases by one each time. 

sales emails opened final workflow

3. Create a report

Next up you want to create a report that you can then include on dashboards and even in the contact record for your sales team to have a quick and easy visual. 

  1. On the left-hand side, click "Reporting" > Click "Reports" > Click "Create report" > Click "Create from scratch" > Select "Single object report".
  2. In the "Data source" dropdown, select "Contacts".
  3. On the left-hand side, under "Add contact property", select "Sales emails opened".
  4. Locate the "Create date" filter. Change the filter from "This quarter" to "All data".
  5. At the top, click "+ Add filter" > Select "Number of sales emails opened" > Set the condition to "is greater than" and enter "0" in the value field.
  6. Click on the "Visualisation" tab > From the left-hand side, drag and drop the "Number of sales emails opened" property onto the display area.
  7. In the "Chart options" section, click on "Summary". This will display a single number summarising the total.

Top tip: You can also set this to a gauge report! A gauge report is recommended for when you want to include this in a contact record. To do this you need to follow the same steps as above but via Custom Report Builder.

3. Add to a contact record

  1. Click on "Settings" > Click on "Objects" > Click on "Contacts" > Click on "Record customisation".adjust the contact view to include reports
  2. Choose either the "Default view" or a specific view that has been set up for your sales team.
  3. Click on "Add card" > Click "Create a new card" > Select "Report card".Add cards
  4. Select the report you created from the list of available reports.select report
  5. Click "Save" to add the report card to your chosen contact view.

Now, the selected report will appear as a card on the chosen contact view (either the default view or your team's specific view). This allows your sales team to easily access and view the report data directly from a contact record.

Bonus use cases:

  • Rolling the property into a company level to see which are your most active accounts within the company.

That's it! With just a few clicks, you've unlocked a powerful new way to track engagement and prioritise your sales efforts in HubSpot. Now you can identify your most active leads, tailor your outreach, and ultimately, close more deals.

Mia-Jean Lee

Author: Mia-Jean Lee

Senior Digital Marketing Executive