HubSpot Automation: How to enrol contacts in sequences based on call outcome

Automate follow-up actions based on call outcomes in HubSpot to ensure no opportunity is missed due to delayed responses.

Automating actions based on call outcomes in HubSpot isn't just about streamlining processes; it's a strategic approach to making your sales team more efficient and ensuring timely, personalised follow-ups. The ability to respond promptly and appropriately to customer interactions can make all the difference in closing deals and nurturing relationships effectively, that's why we wrote a hack to help. 

This hack will walk you through setting up automated workflows in HubSpot that enrol users into sequences based on the outcomes of their calls, specifically for when a Voicemail has been left.

  1. Navigate to Automation > Workflows.
  2. Click on the Create workflow button.
  3. Choose Start from scratch and click Next.
  4. Select the Contact-based workflow type.
  5. Name your workflow and click Create workflow.
  6. Click on the Set enrollment triggers box > Click Add filter > Select Activity properties.
  7. Choose Call outcome > Set the criteria to is known. This ensures that any call with an outcome will trigger the workflow > Click Apply filter.
  8. Enable re-enrollment by toggling the re-enrollment setting. This allows contacts to re-enter the workflow anytime a new call outcome is added.
  9. Click on the + icon to add an action > Select Branch > Under Branch based on, select Activity > Choose Call outcome
  10. Choose the option to create a branch for each possible call outcome (e.g., Connected, Left Voicemail, No Answer).
  11. Select the + icon under each branch to add a specific follow up action
For this example we would select Enrol in sequence after Voicemail has been left. This now means they'll get sent an instant follow up email letting them know that their Contact Owner has tried to reach out and will try again the next day. As a bonus step you could also set a task reminder for a follow-up call in 24 hours. 

By following these steps, you can automate different actions in HubSpot based on the outcome of calls. This ensures that each contact receives the appropriate follow-up, enhancing your sales and marketing efficiency.


Author: Bridget Reid 

Marketing Manager