HubSpot Data: How to Configure HubSpot to Automatically Create and Log Contacts & Companies

Regain control of your CRM by configuring your HubSpot log and track settings

Ever connected your Gmail to HubSpot's free Sales Hub and ended up with a cluttered CRM? You're not alone. By default, HubSpot logs and tracks all your emails, creating new contacts and companies for every single address. This can be overwhelming if you have a lot of inbound emails that aren't directly related to sales.

This guide will show you how to configure HubSpot's log and track settings to give you more control.

Method 1: Using the HubSpot Extension

  1. In your Gmail (or other email platform) inbox, click the HubSpot icon in the top navigation bar.

  2. From the HubSpot menu, select "Log and track settings."

  3. Here, you have two options:

    • Turn off automatic logging by unchecking both "Log Email" and "Track Email" to completely disable automatic logging for all emails. This gives you the most control but requires manual logging for important emails.
    • Log and track selectively by leaving "Log Email" and "Track Email" checked, but use the checkboxes when composing an email to choose which emails you want to HubSpot to track and log (explained in a later step).
  4. Next click on "Never Log" to add email addresses or entire domains that you never want HubSpot to track, regardless of the recipient. This is super helpful for not tracking internal emails, for example.

Method 2: Configuring Settings in HubSpot

  1. Within HubSpot, go to Settings > Data Management > Objects > Activities.

  2. On this page, you'll find similar options to the Gmail extension:

    • Turn off automatic logging by unchecking "Log Email" and "Track Email" to globally disable automatic logging for all users in your HubSpot account.
    • Set up never log rules by clicking on "Never Log" to add email addresses or domains that you never want HubSpot to track for any users.

Moving forwards...

Now that you've disabled automatic logging (if chosen), here's how to manually log and track emails you consider important:

  1. Log and track when composing an email in Gmail. You'll now see "Log" and "Track" checkboxes. Tick these for emails you want to sync with HubSpot. This will also automatically create new contacts and companies if they don't already exist.

  2. Associate with specific objects by clicking the dropdown menu next to "Log" to choose which objects (Contacts, Companies, Deals, etc.) the email should be logged against. This is useful if the email is relevant to a specific deal or contact within a company.

By following these steps, you can effectively manage how HubSpot tracks your emails and avoid cluttering your CRM with irrelevant contacts and companies. Remember, this gives you more control over your data but requires a bit more manual effort when logging important emails.



Author: Bridget Reid 

Principal Marketer