Find out how workflows and contact properties can help boost your marketing efforts.
As marketers, we are always looking for ways to take personalisation to the next level. Interest area contact records are a great way to make sure the content you are sending out is relevant. These records can be used for smart content:
- In marketing emails, personalise a CTA or text
- On landing pages, we have a whole page built off of the interest area.
- Make your CTA's personalised
And much more, the opportunities are endless. So read on to find out how you can do this.
Create your contact property
If your CRM doesn't have a property based on interest, then you will have to build the properties out yourself, which is easy enough. Just head over to settings > properties and then select to create a property.
Make sure to name them accordingly and note them down for later, like the image below:
Decide how to segment your database
You want to be able to define what separates each interest area; we did ours, for example, on which download their recent campaign was.
Once you have figured this out, then you will want to build your lists; This makes it easy when it comes to reporting on an email health dashboard.
Automation time
You have your properties and your lists; it's now time to populate them using workflows. Head over to workflows and build a new one from scratch, then:
- Enroll your contacts using "List Membership Criteria."
- Create an If/Then branch and create a branch for each of the lists.
- Select to edit record, and for each branch select "Contact" > Your record you created earlier > choose the specific value.
Once you have created the workflow, then you can turn it on.
Take it a step further
Now, people's interests change all the time, and what was relevant to them a year ago may not be the same now. So it's important to make sure that you remember this and make sure to update their properties depending on what they are downloading and viewing.
A way to do this would be to set a delay and a re-enrollment trigger so that every 90 days the contacts are run through the workflow to make sure their contact records are up to date and you can display the most relevant content to them.
How this method could be used for other records
This workflow and method can be used for any records to help boost your marketing efforts, such as:
- Marking different levels of fatigued contacts
- Updating marketing contact status records for invalid emails
- Handling your hard-bounced contacts
- Setting persona on the contact record depending on job role
There are various other use cases for this method, and it can easily be used to boost efforts but also make sure your marketing data is clean.