How to Collate all Notes into One Card on a CRM Record

Bring some order to notes added into your database by hosting them in a table on the middle pane of CRM records

Users adding notes to CRM records is a great habit, but these notes can sometimes get lost in the timeline feed. While it’s relatively simple to filter the timeline feed on the Activities tab by selecting the ‘Notes’ option from the menu, this approach may not work in all scenarios.

For example, if you want to access notes directly from the Overview tab or focus on specific notes—like those tagged for the most recent Account Management check-in using the hashtag method explained here —here’s how you can create a custom CRM card to surface exactly what you need.

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1. Create a single object report

Start by selecting ‘Activities’ as the data source. Create a single object report filtered to display only activities where the ‘Activity type’ is set to ‘Note’.

Next, add any additional filters to refine the data further. For instance, if you want to show notes specifically from Account Management check-in calls, you could filter where ‘Note body’ contains '#AccountManagementCheck-in'.

Once the data is filtered, add the relevant activity properties to the report and visualise it as a table (or choose another format that suits your needs).

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2. Add the report as a CRM card

To make the report easily accessible, add it as a custom Report CRM card in the middle pane of the CRM record. You can follow the instructions linked here

You can choose to place this card on the default ‘Overview’ tab or create a new tab specifically for your customised reports.

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This approach ensures you can quickly access and focus on the notes that matter most—without scrolling endlessly through the timeline feed.


Hannah Fisher portrait

Author: Hannah Fisher

HubSpot CRM Platform Consultant