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Global Safety and Storage Manufacturer Emtez Group Comes Together on HubSpot



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Increase in organic traffic



Increase in new contacts


Where other companies measure success through units sold and profit banked, Emtez Group can also track its impact in lives saved, pollution prevented, and customer property secured. At a time when crises of all kinds stretch costs and push global supply chains to their limits, the group works together to ensure its spill control and containment solutions arrive on time, to scope, in budget, so its customers everywhere can protect more than just what’s inside the box. 

But when recently appointed Group CEO David Byrne approached BabelQuest in 2022, this mission was far from formed. The group operated under various different names, region by region. Its brand, outdated. Critically, the group approach was not unified. Across its companies, it lacked universal processes and the technology systems to support this.

Bringing the group together

Emtez Group, then Empteezy, has companies in Germany, Italy, Spain, France, Belgium, and the UK. But the various names under which some of these entities operated meant they weren’t always identified by their markets as part of the larger Empteezy brand. 

The branding challenge ran deeper still. Over the last 30 years, Empteezy has evolved from a single-solution company into a global group with a sizable portfolio in the hazardous chemicals (hazchem) safety and storage solution space. The wider world has also moved along, giving rise to new issues on the global stage directly impacting the hazchem industry. 

The group and the challenges it helps its customers to solve have transformed but in several critical areas its technology hadn’t kept pace, with each of its companies relying on legacy systems, outdated websites, and siloed data to make decisions apart from the global whole.

A brand that speaks to cleaner, brighter future

We began by working with David, his investors and senior leadership from across the group on a complete rebrand. 

Over the course of several workshops attended by our consultants and marketing and copywriting leads, we worked with David, his investors, and leadership from across the group to define a value proposition and buyer personas. Opening the floor to discussion and eventually agreeing on this at the group level was the first step to aligning thinking across the companies making up the group while securing their buy-in for the wider rebrand. 

The brand name, which once so playfully spoke to the group’s flagship product, evolved to better reflect the more serious tone of the industry into which the group has since shifted. A clear mission, vision, and values were distilled, each of which was cross-referenced and validated against the overarching value proposition and buyer personas.

Key to reflecting the rebrand online was HubSpot Enterprise Suite. The suite offered all the functionality required by the group to level up its systems and provide a first-class user experience across its websites, unifying marketing, sales, and service across the group while providing leadership with visibility at every level of the group, across every function. It also integrated natively with HubSpot CMS on which the group’s seven new websites were to be built; in other words, the whole group could operate from one easy-to-use system.

Seven websites speaking with one voice

Hand-in-hand with the rebrand, the suite of new websites provided the group with the opportunity to unify and solidify their global presence. This required that the seven websites developed all looked and felt the same while providing the flexibility each division needed to to promote their specific product ranges or country-specific marketing campaigns.

Our approach was to build the UK first then translate this for each country, ensuring every division started from the same baseline content. In line with the rebrand efforts, Emtez wanted us to focus on building a strong visual identity across the websites. Our developer proceeded accordingly, working closely with a colleague from our award-winning design agency partner, Syndicut, to create, test, and implement the designs. Dynamic modules were used to give the website character in line with the bold new brand supplemented by responsive images and CTA buttons with designs suggesting movement and action.

Training was also a key part of the project; we delivered training to the entire European marketing team, made up of one person from each country, so they could continue to make edits, add pages, and unlock the full potential of the HubSpot platform now and in the future.

Behind the scenes, our in-house HubSpot experts worked alongside Emtez Group’s technical leads to configure the entire platform, ensuring every tool and dashboard was set up to work as the group needed it to, while our principal copywriter supported Emtez Group’s marketing team on the creation of copy that spoke to its new brand voice and messaging. Our translation partner worked closely with this source material to ensure that its messages carried accurately and authentically across every country’s website.

One enterprise platform, one global team, one mission to make tomorrow’s world cleaner and safer

In 2023, Emtez Group flipped the switch on its new websites and pressed go on its multi-channel brand awareness campaign designed to turn the heads of its target audiences globally.

While more visitors than ever can now interact with the Emtez Group brand in their native languages, behind the scenes Emtez Group has full visibility, control, and reporting power over every one of its six country-specific websites from a single pane of glass. Outwardly, the brand has never been more connected, but lift the lid on its systems and you will see the same is also true internally. 

This is a story about how the group has come together on HubSpot. How it has relaunched itself from HubSpot. And how, through its continued use of HubSpot, it can measure success through a metric like no other on its mission to make tomorrow’s world a cleaner, safer place for businesses and their people everywhere.


HubSpot CMS Scoping Template

Want the same success as Emtez? Use our CMS scoping template to find out exactly what you need from your new website.