Increasing Westminster City Council Commercial Waste Services online presence by 200%
Westminster City’s Commercial Waste Service provides business waste and recycling services within the Westminster area of London.
Commercial Waste’s position as a revenue-earning part of the council has become increasingly important over the past few years, due to cuts in central funding to councils.
In competitive markets like this, online visibility is essential. How could BabelQuest help Westminster City Council Commercial Waste Services unlock the power of inbound to increase leads that close and improve their services?
When Commercial Waste first approached BabelQuest, its only online presence was a couple of pages on Westminster Council’s website. In order to compete with private companies trying to take work away from the council, it became clear that a new website was needed to maximise revenue and compete in a tough marketplace.
Once the website was live, the emphasis switched to creating an inbound marketing strategy and implementing HubSpot to support it. The core element of this was to create content, with the following objectives:
- Grow the presence of their service to compete with competition
- Maintain their website to a high standard
- Add functionality to their website
- Prove ROI
- Produce content for all levels of the sales funnel
- Increase ways in which prospects and customers can interact online
We created over 12 pieces of premium content, ranging from case studies to sector guides. For each case study that is downloaded, there is an associated landing page and workflow in place, designed to nurture leads.
As well as quarterly premium content, we continue to provide ongoing content creation through writing and optimising blogs for SEO purposes to rank for chosen keywords. We also publish these on their various social media accounts.
Different content was aimed at different stages of the funnel. Top of the funnel content includes: 'How to reduce waste' and an example of content at the bottom of the funnel includes: 'Why to choose Westminster City Commercial Waste'.
We integrated HubSpot with Salesforce to gain a greater understanding of the customer journey. This not only helped us with our digital marketing efforts but also helped those in the sales team to see the complete customer timeline.
.We continue to maintain their website, add functionality (such as their new carbon calculator, A-Z guide of services) and manage their SEO.
Since taking on the client in October 2015 and integrating inbound marketing methods and HubSpot in July 2016…
- Their website now has 261 posts and 54 pages
- Nearly 20,000 emails sent with an open rate of 67.1% and a 5% click-through-rate
- 50+ landing pages, with the top landing page having a 43% submission rate
- On average, the website receives over 12,000 page views a month
- 74 search terms rank on the first page of Google
Working with Westminster Commercial Waste highlighted how beneficial it is to develop a strong relationship with a client. Commercial Waste trusts us and invites us to show ways that we can help. Working on this account has allowed us to demonstrate the benefits of using inbound marketing methods and balancing SEO, content creation, and marketing automation. Strong content and SEO are designed to attract, while marketing automation helps to maximise conversions.
Working with Vaughn and his team at BabelQuest has allowed us to get ahead of the competition and grow our service significantly. Their personal approach and expertise is invaluable. I won't hesitate to recommend him.
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