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Case Study

How BabelQuest Helped TCM Increase their Website Traffic and Lead Volume by over 140%

TCM are a global organisation, manufacturing and supplying industry-leading material handling solutions and equipment. As part of the Mitsubishi Logisnext Group (MLE), TCM is part of the third-largest forklift manufacturing company in the world. 

A key differentiator of this leading brand is that their products are sold exclusively through their authorised dealer network. This ensures customers get an exceptional experience through professional, reliable dealers - and it’s this key differentiator which could allow TCM to break through the noise of the wider material handling market.



increase in organic traffic



increase in product page visits



increase in lead volume

The business challenge

Graham Jones, regional director of MLE UK & Ireland, approached BabelQuest in the hope that we would be able to help them to build an inbound marketing strategy to achieve an increase in organic web traffic and lead volume. As an innovative and high-reaching organisation, it’s important for TCM that their marketing and communications truly reflects their global status.

Achieving this goal was essential for TCM in order to attract qualified leads and pass them onto their dealers who then sell TCM’s material handling equipment. Having worked closely with BabelQuest over the past number of years – since March 2017 – TCM were confident that we could solve this issue.

Organic traffic: a marketer’s goldmine

For marketers, nailing your organic traffic game is a surefire way to attract qualified leads in abundance. For TCM, we identified the key reason for a lack of organic traffic and lead volume was an issue with their search engine optimisation (SEO). To attract highly-qualified leads, you need to perform keyword research, be able to rank for your desired keywords and create content that is consistent, relevant, and beneficial to the reader.

There are many reasons why a brand might not be achieving their traffic and lead volume, for example: 

  • Content is not search engine optimised (SEO)
  • A website that isn’t built or optimised for a clear buyer’s journey
  • Content doesn’t resonate with your target audience
  • Publishing is inconsistent
  • Content is not valuable, engaging, or educational enough
  • Social media promotion is inconsistent or nonexistent
  • Email sequencing and targeting are not up to scratch

Attracting, engaging and converting qualified prospects and turning them into valuable, loyal customers is achievable by designing highly-tailored, search engine optimised content that works to support the entire inbound marketing strategy

Identifying TCM’s lead generation issues brought us opportunities to start creating SEO-rich content that was aligned with specific customer pain points and queries that buyer personas are actively searching for. Once you enhance your website’s SEO and begin creating content that your target audience actually seeks, your organic traffic will skyrocket and you will be able to yield highly-qualified leads. 

Crucial to the longevity of your customer relationships is a meticulously designed strategy. You can create the best content, emails, and social media outreach in the world but if your communications thereafter aren’t up to scratch, all of your hard work will have been for nothing. That’s where BabelQuest’s inbound strategy workshops set you up for inbound success.

Leading TCM on BabelQuest’s inbound journey

TCM’s journey began with four highly-tailored strategy planning workshops. We started with a workshop on positioning and messaging where we worked with TCM to uncover their purpose and communicate this through their content and messaging. This was followed by a buyer persona workshop, a content workshop and, to round it all off, an inbound strategy workshop.

  • Positioning and messaging framework: here, we focused on cementing key elements such as TCM’s value proposition, their power statements and tone of voice guidelines. People don’t just buy into brands because of what they do – understanding a brand’s purpose and beliefs is highly important to customers and prospects if they are going to consider a long-term relationship with you. The messaging framework becomes the brand’s holy grail for all things written by TCM and ensures they produce consistent, on-brand sales and marketing collateral that resonates with their customers and adds value. 
  • Buyer persona workshop: the second workshop centred around who they’re targeting; this is achieved by creating buyer personas. Buyer personas are semi-fictional representations of your ideal customer based on real data along with selected information such as customer demographics, behaviour patterns, motivations, and goals. Creating buyer personas helped to solidify TCM’s target audience in order to create content that’s highly tailored, targeted, and valuable.
  • Content workshop: in the content workshop, we took a deep dive into TCM’s brand story, their content creation process and the focal points of the content. We explored how TCM’s audience consumes media, the key areas for them to focus on and their objectives. This all workshop enabled a coordinated, company-wide content strategy that honed in on what TCM’s target audience really cares about. 

  • Inbound strategy workshop: in the final workshop, we brought together the information garnered from the previous three workshops and aligned it to TCM’s business, sales and marketing goals. In this case, the primary goals were to increase their organic traffic and lead volume. 

From these workshops, BabelQuest designed a detailed three-month plan and a 12-month inbound strategy that aligned with TCM’s goals which also specifically included product launch packs for TCM’s dealers. Over time, we have evolved and optimised this accordingly.

The results

Through BabelQuest’s content creation – designing and publishing keyword-rich, relevant, valuable, informative pieces of content – and inbound marketing expertise – creating regular social media outreach, email communications, SEO, and CRO (conversion rate optimisation) audits, we have seen a huge increase in both organic traffic and lead volume for TCM. 

When we look at TCM’s annual results, despite the unexpected challenges of the global COVID-19 pandemic, we see an increase in organic traffic of 148%, growing from 13,946 website visitors in 2020 to 34,575 in 2021. 

TCM case study Babelquest graph

In terms of lead volume, 2020 saw 244 enquiries and, in 2021, this jumped to 639 which is an impressive increase of 162%

TCM case study babelquest graph


Now that BabelQuest have a firm and creative handle on TCM’s inbound marketing creations and output, TCM’s marketing executives and managers can focus entirely on product marketing and internal business activities. 

Don’t just take our word for it, see for yourself! Here are some of TCM’s top-performing guides and articles: 

To see consistent results, you need to build a beneficial, valuable, and long-lasting relationship. As we continue to build our partnership with TCM and deliver further success for this global organisation, looking forward, we will be working on closing the loop between leads being sent to dealers and receiving feedback. We are strongly focused on developing powerful campaigns that see healthy, active growth and work to reinforce TCM’s position as a leader in the material handling industry.


Conversion Rate Optimisation Checklist

A step-by-step guide to generating more leads through your website.