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Unlocking HubSpot for CTOs

Lead effective change across the organisation with HubSpot, an interconnected suite of custom-built systems that transform the way you handle data and service your customers.


The Definitive Guide to HubSpot Adoption

Whether you're implementing HubSpot for the first time or you already have it but need a plan to get more people using it, this guide gives you everything you need to know to build a successful adoption strategy.

1. Executive summary: Empowering digital transformation with HubSpot

Chief transformation officers (CTOs) play a pivotal role in ensuring organisations not only adapt but lead the way in innovation. The absence of a CTO can leave companies struggling to keep up with the pace of change. This page explores the critical factors driving the need for transformation and how CTOs are preparing for them, with a specific focus on the digital age's selective pressures.

The digital landscape is marked by two key accelerators of change: the potential of data and escalating customer expectations. Artificial intelligence (AI), intuitive interfaces, and machine learning are reshaping business operations, offering predictive analytics and automating routine tasks. Simultaneously, customers demand seamless digital experiences, pushing companies to invest in digital solutions for personalised interactions and data security.

Learn about the role of integrated systems, automation, and secure solutions in driving innovation. HubSpot emerges as a leader, offering a comprehensive suite of tools spanning sales, marketing, service, operations, and website. The platform's rapid development, incorporating AI and machine learning, positions users ahead of competitors.

Explore how HubSpot addresses challenges faced by CTOs, emphasising robust data management, wide integration capabilities, and stringent data security measures. Notable features include a centralised CRM database, tools for data quality improvement, and a vast ecosystem for seamless integration with other tools and platforms.

Key to successful transformation is speed: the ability to swiftly implement and embed chosen solutions. HubSpot distinguishes itself by offering unmatched onboarding and implementation support, catering to both standard and advanced requirements. The platform's user-friendly interface, coupled with the expertise of certified solutions partners, ensures efficient adoption and utilisation.

Review case studies showcasing successful digital transformations facilitated by HubSpot. Organisations spanning education, manufacturing, and digital services have experienced significant improvements in performance, profitability, and overall efficiency through the strategic implementation of HubSpot's tools.

HubSpot serves as a catalyst for meaningful digital transformation, and organisations benefit not only from its advanced features but also from the expertise of certified solutions partners commitment to delivering unparalleled service.

Leaders in transformation

Where organisations without CTOs race to adapt their systems and processes in response to yesterday’s solutions, those with high-performing individuals in this position have already pioneered them, to their commercial advantage.

CRM platform HubSpot releases hundreds of software updates monthly. With applications across sales, marketing, service, operations, and website, this rapid pace of product development utilising technology like AI and machine learning gives established users a head start over those looking into its solutions for the first time.

“For years now, transformation has been a catchall term for how organisations make the right moves to achieve their full potential”, McKinsey and Company writes. “Companies usually aim to deliver healthy financial performance and organisational effectiveness before focusing on higher growth, new strategies, and tech-enabled solutions. But the pace of change means that waiting to ‘earn the right to grow’ is no longer the best strategic or financial option.”

What are the factors driving this pace of change and how are some CTOs preparing for them today so that their organisations are equipped with the systems they need to compete?

2. Selective pressures in the digital age

“The success of a transformation requires CTOs to address a wide range of organizational and business issues,” McKinsey and Company writes. Two key issues responsible for accelerating change are data potential and ever-heightening customer expectations. 


1. An abundance of information

Artificial intelligence (AI), intuitive interfaces, and machine learning are revolutionising the way businesses operate, driving significant transformation across industries. With the ability to analyse vast amounts of data and uncover valuable insights, predictive analytics and the systems enabling it are empowering businesses to make more informed decisions, enhance operational efficiency, and improve overall customer experiences across every industry.

These technologies are enabling businesses to automate tedious and repetitive tasks, freeing up valuable time and resources for employees to focus on more strategic and creative initiatives. But technological advancements such as AI and machine learning are just two prominent examples of selective pressures shaping digital transformation today. 


2. Customer demands

The digital age is also the Age of the Customer. As technology continues to advance at a rapid pace, customers expect businesses to keep up and provide seamless digital experiences. From personalised recommendations and instant customer support to the knowledge that their data is safe, customers’ demands are driving companies to transform their operations by investing in digital solutions that enhance their overall experience.

“In such a dynamic business environment, focusing on new ways of working, new capabilities, and new technologies is the way forward,” McKinsey and Company explains. “Yet transformations are not easy to get right. [Our research] has long documented that enterprise-wide transformation is difficult, with less than a third of transformations reaching their goals to improve organisational performance and sustain improvements over time.”

What do some of these new technologies look like and how could implementing them level up your systems, optimise your processes, and transform your business?

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3. New technologies powering innovation

From integrated systems and automation that unlock the full value of an organisation’s data, to secure solutions that minimise security risks and maximise compliance, new technology is opening up a world of possibilities, enabling businesses and individuals to push the boundaries of what is possible under the leadership and direction of their CTOs.

Integrated systems satisfy need for robust data

Integrated systems are playing a crucial role in driving digital transformation across industries. By bringing together different technology components and functionalities into a unified platform, these systems are streamlining processes, increasing efficiency, and enabling organisations to make data-driven decisions.

Whether it's integrating CRM software with automation tools or connecting inventory management systems with e-commerce platforms, integrated systems break down silos within organisations, empowering businesses to leverage connected data, optimise data management, and drive innovation. Using integrated systems, companies can accelerate their digital transformation journey and stay ahead in today's competitive landscape.


Automation to handle large volumes of data and maximise resources

Another area where new technologies have already made a significant impact is in the realm of automation. Through the use of robotics and machine learning, tasks that were once time-consuming and labour-intensive can now be completed with ease and efficiency.

This is of particular value to organisations with large volumes of data, where effective data management would otherwise require a significant investment in time and resources.

“With large volumes of data, the key to effective data management is outlining what the data is used for, who needs it and why, and is it fit for purpose,” HubSpot CRM Platform Consultant Hannah Fisher explains. “Putting processes in place to archive or delete data that is no longer required helps to keep your database as compact as it can be.”


Secure solutions that minimise security and compliance risks

In the era of digital transformation, systems and platforms with strong security credentials play a crucial role in enabling organisations to embrace and navigate the ever-changing digital landscape. These systems provide a solid foundation for businesses to seamlessly adopt innovative technologies, such as cloud computing, AI, and the Internet of Things (IoT) without compromising the integrity and confidentiality of their data. 

By safeguarding against cyber threats, secure systems ensure that sensitive information remains protected, instilling trust among customers and stakeholders. “The global standard for legal data protection is the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) For those operating within areas covered by GDPR, it requires that you document the lawful basis for processing a person’s data,” explains Hannah. “It also requires that you adhere to requests for a copy of all the personal data held about them or delete it altogether when asked to.”

Read more about the two core foundations of an effective data management strategy.

The market is full of software leveraging these technologies to drive digital transformation. But few platforms support all of them, natively, through one easy-to-use system. Here’s what our experiences delivering complex HubSpot CRM implementations have taught us about how the solutions offered by the world’s #1 global software company can help you to successfully achieve your digital transformation project.

4. Transforming your organisation through HubSpot

Achieving transformation with HubSpot

HubSpot is playing a crucial role in helping businesses across various industries achieve digital transformation. With its comprehensive suite of tools and solutions, HubSpot is empowering businesses to streamline and automate their marketing, sales, and customer service processes. The platform offers a range of features, including lead generation, email marketing, social media management, and CRM, all integrated into one cohesive system. 

This allows businesses to improve their efficiency, enhance their customer experience, and drive growth. HubSpot's user-friendly interface and robust analytics enable businesses to gain valuable insights into their marketing efforts, allowing them to make data-driven decisions and continuously refine their strategies. By providing businesses with the advanced tools and support they need to navigate the digital landscape, HubSpot’s solutions are paving the way for successful digital transformations wherever they’re implemented.

“[...] companies with top-quartile financial performance typically capture 74 percent of their transformations’ value within the first 12 months. That value can be reinvested in new initiatives, creating a virtuous circle of improvement." ‘What is business transformation? McKinsey and Company


The speed with which organisations must be able to implement and embed their preferred solutions is also key. With true transformation extending much further in scope than a system upgrade or the technical migration from one platform to another, meaningful change has to include successful onboarding and adoption of technology by its core users.

In this area, HubSpot is unmatched across the CRM ecosystem, capable of onboarding and implementing its customers directly using standardised processes or setting them up with certified solutions partners like us with the capability to offer deep HubSpot expertise in specialist areas such as migration, integration, or advanced implementations.

5. Robust data management

One of HubSpot's notable features is its robust contact management system. With this feature, users can easily store and manage all their customer and prospect information in a centralised CRM database. This includes contact details, communication history, and even lead scores. 

Data can be segmented based on various criteria, such as demographics, behavioural patterns, and engagement levels, allowing businesses to rapidly unlock value from their data across business functions. 

HubSpot also offers a wide range of tools that focus on improving data quality. These tools include data cleansing and enrichment capabilities, which help businesses ensure that their data is accurate, up-to-date, and relevant. Automated data syncing reduces instances of dirty data by ensuring that all contact information is up-to-date across various channels and platforms. By using these tools, businesses can make more confident data-driven decisions.

“HubSpot has a de-duplication tool, which uses AI to match up records that look similar and make it easy for you to merge them together. Say, for example, there are two contacts in your database with the same first and last name but they have slightly different email addresses. In this case, you could remove the address that bounces and combine the two records.” Hannah Fisher, HubSpot CRM Platform Consultant, BabelQuest


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6. Access a wide integrations ecosystem

HubSpot is renowned for its impressive integration capabilities, making it a top choice for businesses seeking a comprehensive data management solution. With HubSpot, you can seamlessly integrate with a wide range of popular tools and platforms, such as Salesforce, WordPress, Shopify, and many more. This means organisations can consolidate all their marketing efforts into one centralised platform, eliminating the need for multiple logins and manual data entry. 

“One of the biggest data management challenges businesses face is breaking down siloed databases,” Hannah reveals. “Storing data in different databases causes disparate data sources and duplicated or conflicting information. It’s difficult to identify and consolidate this data. Integrating systems or amalgamating into one single source of truth is the ideal solution to resolving data silos and aligning all the data held within a business.”

By connecting HubSpot with their existing tools, organisations can unlock a world of possibilities, transforming the efficiency and the effectiveness of their operations.

7. Data security

When it comes to protecting data, HubSpot goes above and beyond to ensure the security and privacy of its users. One of the key features that HubSpot offers is data encryption. All data transmitted between HubSpot's servers and the user's browser is encrypted, making it nearly impossible for any unauthorised parties to intercept or access the information.

Additionally, HubSpot provides a comprehensive suite of access controls, allowing users to define and manage who has access to their data within the platform. From the smallest start-ups to groups comprising enterprise-level organisations in multiple regions, this ensures that only authorised individuals can view or make changes to the data. 

Internally, HubSpot regularly undergoes comprehensive security audits to identify and address any potential vulnerabilities. With these features in place, users can have peace of mind knowing that their data is secure and protected within the platform.

8. Onboarding plans tailored to every organisation

Organisations with in-house expertise configuring HubSpot instances can elect for standard onboarding through HubSpot or a guided onboarding plan from a HubSpot solutions partner such as us. These options allow the organisation onboarding HubSpot to follow standardised plans at their own pace or a tailored plan implemented using their own resources respectively to set up the new platform according to their needs and timeframes.

“You tell us what your goals are for the hubs you’re buying, and we’ll build an onboarding plan just for you,” Hannah explains. “While you have chosen for your team to deliver the project, we’re still here to guide you through the setup and if you need extra advice on anything from integrations to merging portals, we can add on additional consulting.”


Advanced implementations 

Some solutions partners also offer advanced implementations. Organisations with complex systems or large volumes of data will benefit from this highly bespoke, end-to-end type of service. As part of our advanced implementation, we’ll take the entire project off an organisation’s hands, from the initial scoping to the build, training, and ongoing adoption. 

That might be a multi-country unit setup like we created for GlobeEducate, entirely customised functionality like for VFE, or setting up HubSpot to work across different business units like CEG,” Hannah reveals. “Whatever your requirements, your portal will be expertly configured to work for you.”

Advanced build: Call in the elite team

Looking for a smooth HubSpot CRM implementation, on schedule, and within budget, without any disruptions?

9. Case studies showcasing transformation

You unlock change. We unlock HubSpot.

Whether an organisation is upgrading its CRM system, planning an integration or migration, or building a new process automation framework, our Expert Practices team has the deep skills, specialist accreditations, and platform experience to deliver exactly what you need.

“We’re yet to tackle a project where we haven’t found a shortcut or an exciting new approach to a problem,” Hannah says. “Where we haven’t given our client a new perspective of their HubSpot platform, or spotted something that hadn’t been previously considered.”

By focusing on the big picture as well as the small, we’ll make sure your system is perfectly aligned across the business with data flowing across your infrastructure from every function.

The result is rapid transformation: of performance, profitability, and people through innovation and the effective implementation of best-in-class technology. Consider how we have enabled the following organisations to transform their businesses through HubSpot.


Case study: A multi-country unit setup for GlobeEducate

Globeducate is an education network running more than 50 international schools and online learning programmes. It has around 25,000 students in ten countries. It states its mission as aiming "to prepare each student to become a global citizen who can shape the world".

Globeducate sought a shared CRM for the numerous institutions in its network through which every school could manage its contacts, reporting, and permissions effectively. It also wanted the new CRM in place before the start of the next academic year.

One of this education provider's major pressure points arose in the admissions process, managing information for numerous applicants and schools. It wanted to consolidate contact data (housed in disparate systems) and to standardise processes for its admissions staff. It also needed to limit visibility of sensitive student data without hindering its management’s global reporting ability.

Read about how we transformed Globeducate's systems in the full case study.


Case study: Entirely customised functionality for VFE

Vacuum Furnace Engineering (VFE) provides a range of equipment, sales, servicing and upgrade options to the heat treatment industry. To meet its ambitious growth plans, VFE sought to diversify from the aerospace industry across a range of target sectors, including power generation, motorsport and pharmaceutical, as well as the general engineering and heat treatment sectors.

VFE approached us for help unlocking the full potential of the HubSpot platform. Drawing on our advanced implementation experience, our Expert Practices team onboarded VFE onto HubSpot. This included importing complex data sets across the multiple hubs, providing Sales Hub training, pipeline set-up and the creation of a custom dashboard to give its CEO full visibility over sales.

The impact of this work on VFE's revenue led to it being selected as the winner of HubSpot's '2021 Grow Better Sales Impact Award'. Read the full case study.


Case study: Setting up HubSpot to work across business units for CEG

CEG Digital, a division of Cambridge Education Group, develops, markets, and delivers online courses on behalf of multiple universities across the UK.

Prior to reaching out to BabelQuest, they had already identified HubSpot as the CRM for their marketing, sales and customer service teams. As they continued to scale their business and add more universities to their Enterprise portal, it became increasingly difficult to prove ROI and attribution of spend and performance across the separate organisations, which encompassed hundreds of users, over 80,000 contacts, and more than 5,400 deals.

Given these challenges with assessing how each individual institution was performing, CEG Digital needed to ensure their platform structure could support their data, processes and assets moving forward, and they needed a solution before the September intake of students.

Read about how we unlocked the potential of HubSpot for CEG

10. Lead effective change with HubSpot

All digital transformations start with a vision. Usually, this will come from the CTO themselves: an idea or a goal for where the organisation needs to go. How it needs to change. The CTO will drive the subsequent project from aspiration to delivery. And yet “[...] responsibility for making day-to-day decisions and implementing those initiatives lies with line leaders, transformation managers, and others,” McKinsey and Company explains. 

Experienced transformation leaders will attest that projects of this scope and ambition are delivered by a team. When HubSpot is the vehicle for that transformation, having an expert in the passenger seat in the form of a specialist HubSpot solutions partner is invaluable.

“At the heart of the CTO’s role is an ability to strike the right balance between carrot and stick, between short-term improvement and long-term value, and between making sure line managers themselves take responsibility for change and personally ensuring they deliver results quickly and with suitably high ambition. Such judgement is also important when it comes to deploying the often-limited resources at their disposal to the different priorities of a transformation.”The role of the chief transformation officer’, McKinsey and Company


Key to achieving this balance is a HubSpot partner with a track record of completed digital transformations beneath their belt. Sitting by the CTO’s side every mile of the way, they become an invaluable asset, capable of advising you when to turn, anticipating every bump, and accelerating you on your way to delivering your vision of transforming the organisation.

Over the many years we’ve spent delivering these kinds of projects, we’ve demonstrated our skills to both HubSpot and our customers. Our expertise when it comes to complex builds is evidenced by our Advanced Implementation accreditation as well as the involvement of our Expert Practices team in HubSpot’s own certification courses. Our consultants spend half a day each week sharpening their HubSpot skills, testing new tools, earning certificates of their own, and taking part in global events. That means every member of our team working on your project spends more than 150 hours every year pioneering the platform, pushing the boundaries of their own HubSpot expertise to help you get the most from your investment.

As an Elite Solutions partner, we give you a service guarantee only one in a hundred global partners can offer.

Want to book yourself or your team onto a demo portal experience?

Get a demo of Marketing, CRM, Sales, Service, or CMS Hub to ensure that HubSpot aligns perfectly with your business requirements.