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HubSpot Customer Journey Analytics: Using Big Data to Make Better Decisions

Hollie Higa
Hollie Higa

Learn how HubSpot’s customer journey analytics can help you to improve your prospects’ experiences and generate more leads that close.

“It’s not the destination, it’s the journey,” as the saying goes. (Thanks, Ralph.) Us marketing folk know the importance of the customer journey, but all too often we’re measured on how many people we’ve got to the destination. That can create some really mixed messages when it comes to where we’re focusing our efforts, what success looks like, and how we report on it. It can also mean we sometimes forget that whether we focus on it or not, our prospects have to walk that journey on their way to becoming a lead, and if it’s anything short of a smooth ride, chances are they’ll be in the first Uber over to your competitors.

“A customer doesn’t just mindlessly purchase a product or service. They go through an entire journey, from discovering your brand, to purchasing your product or service, to sometimes recommending it to someone else.” HubSpot

HubSpot to the rescue with its customer journey analytics, designed to help us understand — and champion — the journey our prospects go through on their way to becoming a customer. Customer journey analytics (CJA) aren’t anything new, but the meetings data it supports is, providing greater insights into what actions customers take to get to an outcome.

Read on to find out more about CJA, its new meetings data, and how to use it to follow the journey your prospects are taking on their way to becoming your next customers.

Prefer to play with the tool for yourself? Book a demo with us today.  


Customer journey analytics: a refresh

Customer journey analytics is a powerful tool provided by HubSpot that allows businesses to gain insights into their customers' interactions and experiences across their entire journey. 

“Every business, startup or enterprise — in any industry — needs to understand how customers interact with their brand,” HubSpot writes. “Insights gathered from customer journey analytics can help, while leading to increased customer lifetime value, customer loyalty, and revenue growth.”

Using it, you can understand and map out every touchpoint a customer has with your brand, from the initial awareness stage to the final purchase and beyond. By analysing this data, you can identify patterns, trends, and pain points in the customer journey, enabling you to make informed decisions that improve your customers’ overall experience.

  • Track and measure the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns
  • Identify opportunities for improvement
  • Drive customer loyalty and satisfaction

It’s a game-changer for businesses looking to optimise their customer journey and deliver personalised experiences that resonate with their target audience. And it just got bigger.


Meetings data just got bigger

As of April 2023, you can now use two different types of meetings data in customer journey analytics: meetings booked and meetings outcome.

Meetings booked measures when a contact books a meeting that is logged in your HubSpot account. This can happen through the meetings link or when you log it onto the contact’s CRM record manually. Either way, it enables you to report on the number of meetings booked as well as understand on a case-by-case basis what activities led to the meeting booking. Which pages influenced the decision? Where did the prospect convert?

Meetings outcome changes tracks when a booked meeting on the CRM has changed. With proper filtering, you can specify if the meeting is still scheduled, if the contact no-showed, and more — in short, specifying the result of the meeting in the journey itself. This adds new levels of granularity into your meeting reporting. Using branching, you can even see multiple meeting outcomes in a single stage. (Find out more,)

While it was possible to find out this information before, these new types of meeting data make monitoring the likes of scheduled meetings, no-shows and more so much simpler, not to speak of how much easier it is to filter and report on it now.

Taking the step of booking a meeting is a pretty big step in your customer’s journey, so it pays to understand why they took that step and what gave them the push in your direction.

Related read: Create a report with customer journey analytics.


Customer journey analytics in action: a use case

With the new meetings data, CJA is even better at getting insights into the journey of what actions customers take to get to the outcome. Consider the following example.

You’ve launched a new ad and you need to prove its business impact through the number of meetings it’s driven. Now, using CJA you can clearly quickly and easily track how many people clicked on the ad, visited your website, then booked a meeting by converting on a form.

Having a meeting booked is a big step in any customer journey, so being able to track which steps led to people booking meetings and how effective you are at that conversion is important.


Go the extra mile with HubSpot customer journey analytics

Ralph’s quote brings to mind a different time, when the world moved slower and the wonders of the road taken were just that: natural sights to be savoured, wholesome and green. Today, well, we’re a little more impatient to be on our way, digital lives measured in results driven, deals closed, how long it takes a page to load before the would-be visitor bounces away. 

With less patience behind them, prospects rely on us to make their customer journey as quick and smooth as they need it to be. And perhaps, in a world where so many journeys are digital; faceless interactions, if not entirely automated ones, they rely on us to make their customer journey a little more meaningful.

Customer journey analytics can unlock that for them, and we can unlock it for you, so you can walk a mile in your customers’ shoes and see how their journey finds you.


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Hollie Higa
Author Bio
Hollie Higa

Hollie is the in-house Marketing Manager at BabelQuest, an Elite-tier HubSpot Solutions Partner based in Abingdon, Oxfordshire.

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