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Say Hello to: Hannah Anslow

Say Hello to: Hannah Anslow

Hannah Anslow
Hannah Anslow

Hi, I’m Hannah Anslow and I’m joining BabelQuest as a CRM Consultant!I’ve worked as a Project Manager for over 15 years, and have now been given this fantastic opportunity to join BabelQuest and become part of an incredibly supportive team, working for an Elite HubSpot provider.


What’s the role?

As a CRM consultant I’ll be working with new and existing clients on HubSpot implementation, integration and migration projects. My project management background will also allow me to work with the BabelQuest team to continually improve our processes in order to streamline the way we work as the business continues to grow.


What am I looking forward to?

Having just finished a travelling sabbatical, working as a freelancer on the road, I’m super excited about joining such a well-established and friendly team of people.

I love a challenge, and to learn new things, so I’m very much looking forward to helping clients identify and address their challenges, and enabling our clients to get the most out of their HubSpot platform.

The flexibility of BabelQuest is also a huge attraction. Being able to walk my dog on my lunch break, or take a cold shower on a hot day, is a very refreshing way of working.


Outside of work, I like...

Walking with my dog! Molly is a 13 year old black Labrador, who still thinks (and acts like) she’s a puppy! I’m also a keen swimmer. Whether it’s in a pool, lake or river when I’m at home, or a morning swim in the sea when I’m by the beach.

And reading… give me a good book and you won’t see me put it down until it’s finished!

We're hiring! If anything I’ve chatted about here strikes a chord, we'd love to hear from you. Check out our careers page and see if any of our vacancies catch your eye.



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Hannah Anslow
Author Bio
Hannah Anslow

Hi, I’m Hannah Anslow and I’m a CRM Consultant at BabelQuest!

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