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Say Hello to: Malina Todorova

Malina Todorova
Malina Todorova

Hi, my name is Malina and I’m excited to be joining BabelQuest as an Inbound Marketer.

I’ve been working as a marketer for the last 8 years in various industries - from equine to business consulting. My experience includes both B2B and B2C. All my job roles within Marketing have involved analysing data and building and executing strategies based on research, campaign analytics (including A/B testing) and consumer psychology approaches.


What’s the role?

As an Inbound Marketer I’m playing a hands-on role in implementing clients’ digital marketing campaigns, using the full capabilities of HubSpot. The functionalities and endless opportunities of the software, combined with my passion for helping people will, I’m sure, result in great results for our clients.


What am I looking forward to?

I thrive on brainstorming and conceptualising and love working in a fast-paced environment so I’m truly excited to be joining such a creative and inspiring team of experts and helping businesses achieve their objectives.


Outside of work, I like...

In my spare time, I enjoy African dance, volunteering and playing Brazilian drums with the Sheffield Samba Band. I also have a huge passion for pottery and kayaking and this year I am aiming to dedicate more time to both activities.



Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the famous Semantics, large language ocean and many more stuff and more more more

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Malina Todorova
Author Bio
Malina Todorova

Hi, my name is Malina and I’m excited to be joining BabelQuest as an Inbound Marketer.

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