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4 Reasons to Use Operations Hub Enterprise

4 Reasons to Use Operations Hub Enterprise

Hollie Higa
Hollie Higa

HubSpot’s Operations Hub Enterprise was designed to help larger organisations get a handle on their data management. What does it offer and why should you level up?

Sometimes all it takes is the right tool for the job.

In 2021, HubSpot took its first serious steps towards solving this problem with the launch of Operations Hub, a dedicated platform designed to reduce friction in growing businesses by synchronising the data across an organisation and bringing all its teams together.

Like most of its products, the software was available in a range of tiers to suit businesses of different sizes. Now, with the launch of Operations Hub Enterprise, the largest and most complex organisations have a purpose-built tool designed to help them manage their data.

Whether you already use Operations Hub or you’re exploring its potential for the first time, you should consider this new tier of the product to unlock the full potential of your data.

Prefer a demo? Book a time and we’ll walk you through anything you want to know.


1. Designed for enterprise-sized businesses

At time of launch, HubSpot offered Operations Hub at Free, Starter, and Professional level.  Between them, these tiers catered to organisations of most shapes and sizes. But something was missing — an enterprise-level solution specifically designed for the bigger business.

Most things get a little more complicated when you scale up, but data management is one of those areas that really grows to test your capabilities — especially at the enterprise level. 

“As you scale, data problems proliferate, and ops teams get saddled with cleaning up the mess. Ops struggles to stay above water, your company’s efficiency tanks, and your customer experience suffers.” HubSpot

The enormous amount of data in use in businesses of this size, the size of the organisations themselves, and their often complex structures truly requires a custom-built solution. So the fact that Operations Hub Enterprise was specifically designed to help you manage complex data functionality and manipulate the largest datasets makes all the difference compared to a small or mid-tier solution such as Operations Hub Starter or Professional, for example.

On top of the considerable revenue operations (RevOps) capabilities of Operations Hub Free, Starter, and Professional (including data sync, programmable automation, data quality automation, and datasets), Enterprise users benefit from:

  • enhanced data sets functionality
  • advanced data calculations  
  • snowflake data share
  • better value for money

Besides being designed for large and/or complex businesses, what do these features offer?


2. Datasets functionality

Operations Hub Free, Starter, and Professional each support certain levels of data synchronisation into HubSpot, enabling teams to connect it with all their business apps across their departments.

(Don’t miss: 7 Operations Hub Use Cases You Hadn’t Thought Of.)

But at the enterprise level, the volume of data at play makes it very difficult to build meaningful reports. Every object, every field, every important metric is another cat to try and herd. Your analysts are swamped, and everyone else is stumped.

Operation Hub Enterprise’s greater datasets functionality gets around this by giving your ops team the tools it needs to curate even huge volumes of data, wherever it’s stored, into clean, reusable tables. Reporting becomes so much easier and the tool is usable by everyone.  

Operation Hub Datasets Functionality

Image source

These can then be repurposed — quickly and consistently — by users across the organisation to create the reports they need to make meaningful business decisions. 

Speaking of which…


3. Advanced data calculations

Calculations are important for understanding what your data is telling you. So it only makes sense that with Operation Hub Enterprise’s enhanced dataset capabilities come advanced data calculations, enabling you to draw greater insight into what’s going on in your business.

Calculations can take many forms depending on what kind of data you’re manipulating and how you want to interrogate it. For example, you might create calculations for:

  • commission generated
  • time in deal stages

“As a part of datasets, for the first time, you can now calculate values directly in the context of HubSpot reporting — no need to bog down the CRM with additional fields solely for reporting purposes,” HubSpot writes. “With this new feature, calculate date differences (e.g. time to first conversion), sales cycle speed (e.g. time in deal stages), sales commissions, and more.”


4. Snowflake data share

Snowflake is a globally recognised data warehouse. Many enterprise organisations — even those committed to HubSpot — choose to integrate it with their other systems to create a best-in-class business intelligence stack you can use to analyse all your company data.

“With all your data united in Snowflake, you’ll get deeper customer insights faster, so you can create even better customer experiences in the future,” HubSpot explains. This speed can make a big difference at the enterprise level, where the sheer amount of data and the size of the businesses can often make extracting insights slow and laborious.

To counter this, Snowflake data share makes it as easy as possible to share your HubSpot data securely in your Snowflake instance. All you need is Operations Hub Enterprise.


Snowflake Data share

Image source


5. Best value

When choosing a new solution for the first time, it can often be tempting to go for a less-expensive option. You might think you can get away with the functionality offered by the Starter or Professional version to unlock the functionality that you and your business needs.

If you’re already a user, you might be questioning why you’d upgrade to a more expensive solution when, on the surface at least, it appears like Free, Starter, or Professional is delivering what you need it to.

But the increase in cost is nothing compared to using a tool that has been built specifically for organisations of your size and complexity. Between the new functionality you’ll unlock, the time you’ll save trying to make the platform do something it wasn’t built for, and how much easier it will make your working life every day (say goodbye to all those cats), Enterprise is an invaluable investment well worth the increased cost.


Demo Operations Hub Enterprise for yourself

It’s one thing to read about the benefits. It’s another thing to experience them first-hand on the platform itself. There’s nothing like demoing a piece of software and getting to play with it yourself, so if anything we’ve talked about in this article has struck a chord, one of our Expert Practices consultants would love to show you around Operations Hub Enterprise.

  • See Operation Hub Enterprise’s capabilities in action
  • Learn how to use the tools 
  • Come away inspired having chatted with a BabelQuester who lives and breathes HubSpot! 

For the first time, Operations Hub Enterprise brings business intelligence features front and centre in HubSpot, enabling reporting that supports even more sophisticated businesses. Unlock the full potential of your organisation’s data with HubSpot and BabelQuest today. 


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Hollie Higa
Author Bio
Hollie Higa

Hollie is the in-house Marketing Manager at BabelQuest, an Elite-tier HubSpot Solutions Partner based in Abingdon, Oxfordshire.

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