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A Day in the Life of a Content Writer at BabelQuest

A Day in the Life of a Content Writer at BabelQuest

Dr Thomas Brown
Dr Thomas Brown

In my role as a Content Writer, I work closely with my clients and their customers to find compelling stories and turn them into pieces of written content. The forms that I tackle can range from website copy and long-form guides to articles, social media posts and even scripts, sometimes. As you might expect, these are always unique to the client, their audience, and their goals.

So what does a day in the life of a Content Writer at BabelQuest look like? Here's how one day last week panned out.

My morninglauren-mancke-60627-unsplash

After a go-to breakfast of green tea and porridge, I arrive at the office around half eight. (This often varies, dependent on buses and how I’m feeling that particular morning — we set our own hours here.)

My first port of call is to check my work agenda for the day, including any tasks or team meetings scheduled (Google Calendar is my new best friend). There’s an internal meeting booked in for eleven, so I organise my day around this. My morning goal is essentially to make sure I’m clear about what I’m working on for the day and when.


By ten o’clock we’ve all got our heads down (Tom, our Head of Content, will already have drunk a litre of tea). This morning I'm researching and writing an informative article around a subject that we know interests the client’s prospects. As well as having made themselves available for an interview, the client has provided some resources themselves, which really helps bring me up to speed.

Like many, I’m aware that the morning is when I do my best work, so I try to take advantage of this and get in the zone. A (chocolate-covered) cereal bar fuels the fire. Healthy and delicious...

When eleven hits, we convene as a team in the kitchen to share what everyone’s been working on this week and brainstorm ideas for our clients.

The afternoon

I grab an hour for lunch with Gem and Izzy before catching up with Tom to discuss what I’ve been working on this morning. I talk about the approach I took in regard to the research, as well as the challenges I faced drafting the piece. My main hurdle was structural; Tom suggested a framework that I could follow to better organise the copy and tackle the subject.

Back at my desk, I double-check my calendar in case any meeting times have changed. Then, freshly equipped with some insights and ideas, I crack on with revising my article.

Late afternoon

The recommended structure makes my train of thought flow much more easily, and I make good progress. I finish my first draft around three, but decide to shelve the article before sending it on to Tom for review — I’d like to give it a second look-over myself with fresh eyes in the morning.

At BabelQuest we have half a day per week to focus on our own personal and professional development, so I take this opportunity to get some HubSpot training under my belt. I absorb as much as I can until I’m satisfied that I’m done for the day. The buses into Oxford are frequent, and it’s not long before I’m on my way home to recharge my batteries so I’m ready to do it all again tomorrow!

So there you have it — a typical day in my life as a Content Writer at BabelQuest. Is it busy? Yes. Does it vary from day to day? Yes. Do I love what I do? Absolutely.

Does the thought of a dedicated content role like this make your heart race? Check out our current vacancies to see where you might fit!


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Dr Thomas Brown
Author Bio
Dr Thomas Brown

Tom is BabelQuest's Principal Copywriter. He has a PhD in Creative Writing from the University of Southampton and is a novelist with Sparkling Books.

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