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HubSpot Welcomes BabelQuest Director Becky Murphy

Dr Thomas Brown
Dr Thomas Brown

The PAC was first launched by HubSpot to better communicate with its partner network, gather valuable feedback on products and the Partner Programme, and to make continuous improvements every step of the way.

Over the last two years, HubSpot has changed its processes around partner communication and empowered its partners with better access to new products and BETA features as a direct result of the PAC. Positions on the council are highly contested, and Becky is delighted to have been invited back for her second term.

Members of the PAC group are expected to attend regular meetings, online and at Partner Day and INBOUND (held in Dublin and Boston respectively). They may also be called upon to run deep-dive sessions and roundtables with HubSpot and/or other partner agencies.

Members should have a voice within the community, which they can use to gather broader community feedback on topics of discussion within the PAC. 

We believe our quarterly Oxford HUG event and the strong relationships we enjoy with our clients exceed these requirements, contributing to Becky and BabelQuest’s strong candidacy.


As Becky was quick to point out, a seat on the PAC is a phenomenal opportunity for her tovoice any issues, concerns, or more general feedback on our clients’ experiences with HubSpot, which HubSpot can use to improve the platform and its service.

‘It’s evidence that HubSpot respects our opinion and our dedication as a longstanding HubSpot Partner. We’ve regularly spoken at Partner Days as being advocates of the platform but also bringing our clients’ issues and concerns, as well as being the voice of other partner agencies across the community. HubSpot has heard us, and it’s listening.’

‘We were amazed by the interest in this council and it was hard to select a group. However, we were truly impressed with Becky’s commitment and engagement with the program and the ideas she put forth in the application and we’re so excited to have her be part of this council.’ Katie Ng-Mak, VP of Global Partner Strategy and Operations, HubSpot

BeckyFor more information, please contact:
Becky Murphy, Managing Director, BabelQuest
email: becky@babelquest.co.uk
phone: 01235 313555


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Dr Thomas Brown
Author Bio
Dr Thomas Brown

Tom is BabelQuest's Principal Copywriter. He has a PhD in Creative Writing from the University of Southampton and is a novelist with Sparkling Books.

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