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Confessions of a HubSpot Partner: HubSpot Health Check Edition

Bridget Pyne
Bridget Pyne

Welcome to the first instalment of our new series, ‘Confessions of a HubSpot Partner’. We’re kicking things off with an honest breakdown of all the things you should know before you book a HubSpot Health Check.

Our HubSpot Health Checks are designed to help you get the most out of your current subscription by identifying problem areas, highlighting any gaps and offering up recommendations to drive success. But there are definitely some things we should admit to before you decide to purchase one…


Confession #1: Not every business needs a HubSpot Health Check

We don’t recommend a HubSpot Health Check to everyone, because in reality, not every portal needs one! If you log in to your HubSpot portal and feel confident that it’s set up to enable you to do what you need it to and do it well, then your budget should be spent elsewhere.

However, we do recommend it for the following:

  1. Businesses that are experiencing performance problems in the form of poor conversion rates or low engagement. We provide an audit of your performance with tips on how to improve and best practice examples. 
  2. Businesses that want to level up their existing portals and want insight into potential areas of growth. We’ll show you what parts of HubSpot you aren’t using effectively or at all, and how best to leverage them for your goals.
  3. Businesses that inherited an absolute mess of a portal and need someone to provide a top to bottom audit of what needs to be fixed, deleted and improved.


Confession #2: You need to commit some time 

We understand that setting time aside to implement the recommendations is daunting and can put a lot of people off - but think about it like an MOT for your car. It might uncover areas that need some work but at the end of it, everything will be running much smoother and more efficiently. The same can be said for a HubSpot Health Check, once you’ve made the recommended changes to your portal, you’ll be on track to hit your goals and feel confident that you are maximising ROI from HubSpot. 


Confession #3: We can’t help if you don’t have tracking

Having accurate data from tracking codes is essential for a HubSpot Health Check. This will be only relevant if your website isn’t hosted in HubSpot, for example, if you are using WordPress. (If you are using HubSpot CMS for your website, head on down to confession #4.) The tracking code can be found under settings > tracking & analytics > tracking code. You should copy and paste this into the header code of your website to ensure accurate visitor data is being captured. Without it, we will struggle to get an overview of how your current marketing and sales efforts are performing. 


Confession #4: User adoption post-check is essential

So you’ve invested in a HubSpot Health Check, you’ve done all the recommendations, but 6 months down the line it’s gone back to how it was - why? Because you haven’t invested time in re-educating your team and driving that adoption level. Once bitten twice shy, people will still be sceptical about using it because they have found it difficult before.  

Prioritising the adoption of new processes to keep the portal clean will improve efficiency, increase data quality, and get you a better ROI. To make sure your team take the changes on board we would recommend setting up training sessions, writing up the processes in a clear digestible format, and communicating any ongoing updates. 


Confession #5: This won’t give you a marketing strategy

Our HubSpot Health Check contains a lot of valuable insight, from industry benchmark analysis to personalised conversion rate optimisation to data management recommendations. But, we need to be clear and highlight that we won’t be able to write you a sales and marketing strategy within the HHC. We absolutely can do this, and we do it really well, but we need a real conversation with you about your company and goals to do this effectively. 


Confession #7: It’s not free

The cost of a HubSpot Health Check is small compared to the overall, long-term benefits you’ll see as a result but we appreciate it’s an investment nonetheless. But through this investment, you’ll gain access to a HubSpot expert who will provide comprehensive recommendations on how you can optimise what you have, identify what you are missing, and help you increase performance. 


Confession #8: You can do it yourself

In fact, we’ve got a 45-point checklist which highlights each section to check. But if you do have room in the budget, getting us to do it will:

  • be quicker - we could navigate HubSpot portals with our eyes closed
  • give you more detail - we’ve provided recommendations to hundreds of businesses on how to optimise their HubSpot portals
  • give you ideas on how to use the parts of HubSpot you don’t know about - you don’t know what you don’t know, and we’re in the loop with the HubSpot product team on the latest and greatest updates you could benefit from
  • save your time for implementing the recommendations

Back to the MOT analogy - the garage could give you a list of things to check (and it’s worth knowing what they are!), but do you have the tools and knowledge to say for certain that a particular area would pass or fail?

Our HubSpot Health Checks are a great way to get the most out of your current subscription and maximise what you’ve already invested in. We can provide you with the knowledge you need to drive results, empower your team, and smash 2023 but just be aware, a little commitment from your side is needed. It’s not for everyone, but for those who are struggling - we can help. So, why wait? Book your HubSpot Health Check now.


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Bridget Pyne
Author Bio
Bridget Pyne

Bridget is an Marketing Manager at BabelQuest.

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