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Lessons Learnt from My Micro-Internship with BabelQuest

Dr Thomas Brown
Dr Thomas Brown

Over the past week, I was fortunate enough to be part of a micro-internship at BabelQuest. On our first day, we received our brief (Alan Sugar style); we had one week to produce a recruitment campaign to support BabelQuest’s ever growing expansion. Looking back on the week, I thought I would share with you what I learnt.

How I radically increased my awareness of digital marketing

Lessons Learnt from My Micro-Internship with BabelQuestIt is safe to say, the internship radically increased my awareness of the digital marketing industry — especially that of the Inbound marketing methodology. During our training, we covered a range of topics from search engine optimisation (SEO) to lead nurturing, with a whole host in between. In order to put this new found knowledge to use, BabelQuest offers the opportunity for interns, like myself, to complete HubSpot’s Inbound course and certification for free. The extensive digital marketing tuition I received reflects BabelQuest’s commitment to training; each employee is given half a day of training per week and their own training budget.

Regardless of how great your idea is, it simply won’t flourish without a great team working alongside you — like they say, two minds (in this case five minds) are definitely better than one! The micro-internship taught us all the importance of team work, as this mammoth task would not have been possible alone! As project manager, I quickly learnt that delegation was the key to success and I was extremely fortunate to have such a broad range of the skills within the team. We were taught new and exciting techniques, such as the “SCRUM”, in order to improve our teamwork skills during the week and were inspired by the team spirit demonstrated by all BabelQuest employees.

My micro-internship also taught me what to expect from a future employer and I can vouch that BabelQuest set the standard high. I was impressed by the transparency of the Culture Code, which in my opinion forms the foundations of BabelQuest as company. This is the culture shared by all employees and allowed each and every one of them to work when and where they wish, in exchange for being trustworthy, enthusiastic and determined. As interns, we were not only allowed to choose our working hours, but were also allowed to wear whatever we felt most comfortable in! This flexibility meant we could easily balance our prior commitments and academic studies around the internship. But (arguably) most importantly, BabelQuest offers its interns the most incredible lunches (the sandwiches are to die for – trust me) and provides unlimited tea, coffee, and fresh fruit everyday!

Individually, the internship taught us all invaluable skills. As project manager, my week focused on the refinement of my leadership skills, whilst others improved their creative, technological and social media skills. Personally, I consider risk tasking to be the most important skill learnt – as just like an inbound marketing strategy, if something doesn’t work out first time, you can always have another go.

The BabelQuest website claims the company has “a fun and passionate team that inspires you every day” and I can confirm, firsthand, that this is one hundred percent true. I’ll leave you with a quote from each of us in the team from this week...

Lisa: "When leading a team, it is vital to utilise each team members' strengths effectively".

Dom: "Don't be afraid of asking questions, even if you think they are stupid — everyone wants to help you!”

Gloria: “If you want to work at an inbound marketing agency, become best friends with HubSpot and treat social media as your second CV!”

David: “The flexibility of the internship meant I could easily keep up my academic studies.”

Rob: "It was a great experience to apply my skills in the workplace."

If you share our passions, are naturally curious, and have a love of inbound, then we want to hear from you. Click the button below to explore our current vacancies.


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Dr Thomas Brown
Author Bio
Dr Thomas Brown

Tom is BabelQuest's Principal Copywriter. He has a PhD in Creative Writing from the University of Southampton and is a novelist with Sparkling Books.

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