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The Three Small Words That Will Transform Your Inbound Marketing

The Three Small Words That Will Transform Your Inbound Marketing

Dr Thomas Brown
Dr Thomas Brown

Don't miss the launch of our inbound marketing handbook, designed to help you generate a repeatable, dependable, scalable stream of leads that close for your business. 

Leads that close.

In just three small words, you have a business goal, a marketing metric, a bridge across which you can align your inbound marketing with sales, even a conversation starter. You have a means to describe the reason you and your team get up every morning and do what you do, day after day.

When most of us talk about leads, this is what we actually mean. The kinds of leads that go on to close.

So how do you generate them?

Earlier this month we released the ebook version of what is essentially BabelQuest's Bible, revealing the approach we take for generating leads that close for our clients.

And yesterday, I came home to the first proof copy of the hardback version sitting on my doorstep:

Download your free ebook version of How To Generate Leads That Close here.

Three small words to transform your inbound marketing

We help businesses like yours to better understand their marketing and sales activity in order to generate more leads that close. Sometimes that involves creating free resources to educate the directors and marketing heads among you with a willingness to learn and a genuine passion to grow your business.

This is one of those free resources. In fact, it's a compilation of several intended to guide you step-by-step along the process of generating leads that close. Dive in.

Video transcript

Tom: So yesterday turned out to be a pretty big day.

Got home from work to find a signed copy of The Storytelling Edge from Shane Snow and Joe Lazauskas on my doorstep. So cheers for that, Joe.

My tutor turned in the final round of edits for my thesis draft, so after four-and-a-half years of studying, there is finally some light at the end of the tunnel.

And the third and final trailer for Jurassic World launched yesterday. Still loving that Mosasaur, bring on June 7th!

Now Joe's wasn't the only book to land on my doorstep yesterday. You can imagine my excitement when I got home, tore through the cardboard packaging, and found this sleek cover staring back at me.

If we had a pound for every time a prospect told us they wanted to generate more leads we'd be filming this from the Caribbean. Instead we ask them, 'why not leads that close?'

So, over the past few months we've been pulling our collective knowledge, our stories and our skills and we've used that to create this book.

This is currently the only proof copy, but you can download the free ebook version at the link at the end of this video. We'd love to know your thoughts, and if you have any questions, just get in touch. Thank you—bye!

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Dr Thomas Brown
Author Bio
Dr Thomas Brown

Tom is BabelQuest's Principal Copywriter. He has a PhD in Creative Writing from the University of Southampton and is a novelist with Sparkling Books.

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