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Unlock Global Sales with HubSpot Enterprise Sales Enablement Software

Sales Hub Enterprise, HubSpot's enterprise-level sales enablement software, is packed with powerful new features, boosted by AI and machine learning, including the ability to create, manage and report in-depth on all of your prospect and customer data. It now includes custom objects, too! 

But what does this actually mean for your business? How can deploying HubSpot Sales Hub Enterprise help you unlock the potential in your sales team?

In the next few minutes, you'll read about the main features and their use cases, a few pointers on what you’ll be able to see and do with the information that Sales Hub Enterprise provides, and examples of how you can demonstrate the growth potential so your business can make the case to get onboard.

Sales Hub Enterprise — what’s in it?

Robust tools to manage and administrate large teams — all in one place

Customise who sees what and when. Drive up adoption of the tools by only showing what’s useful and only when it’s needed. Open up more advanced functionality step-by-step, so you can speed up the onboarding of new sales hires without overwhelming them.

  • Field-level edit permissions provide granular control over who can edit specific fields in your CRM.
  • Deeper, more granular permissions across more of the tools in HubSpot give you more control than ever over how your team uses HubSpot.

Easily start running an account-based strategy with ground-breaking proven tools

If there’s more than one person in the decision-making process within your target customers, you need to embrace ABM. Now, it’s easy.

  • Dozens of new purpose-built ABM features like Target Account Home and a new account overview.
  • Since July 2020, more than 8,000 customers have enabled ABM in their HubSpot account.

AI-powered sales acceleration

Sales acceleration tools that let reps efficiently manage their day and their outreach to focus on actively engaged prospects, including: 

  • sequences — automate the follow-up emails for outreach campaigns
  • playbooks — think battle-cards and scripts, only interactive, that fill in the CRM as your reps use them
  • LinkedIn integration* — in-mails and connection requests sent from HubSpot!
  • a mobile app to seamlessly connect your phone to your HubSpot database
  • Today View — a powerful customisable home screen for sales reps to organise their day
  • 1:1 video

CPQ Tools — Master the 2nd half of the sales process and close more deals

Configure, Price, Quote or CPQ is a crucial component for sophisticated sales teams. This means organising product details, configuring and sending quotes, and actually turning those quotes into cash. 

Benefit from:

  • a huge revamp of the HubSpot Quotes tool, extending it into a full proposals tool and leveraging the powerful CMS and Design Manager
  • a new collection of out of the box templates
  • rich, custom proposals to showcase your business, products and pricing
  • improvements to the product library and the objects to support commerce in HubSpot
  • custom properties on your product records to store virtually any type of details about your products
  • a revamped line item editor to allow reps to configure complex products on deals from one simple UI, including automatically calculated and displayed revenue properties (ARR, MRR, ACV, TCV) and customisable columns

Forecasting and Analytics 

Powerful reporting to tie everything together and understand what’s happening in your business. Here’s what’s new:

  • The biggest change to reporting in 2020 is Sales Analytics, a brand new library of 20+ powerful sales reports that will help managers better understand their pipeline and coach reps to success.
  • Sales Analytics is built with technology called pipeline snapshotting, which tracks every change to your pipeline, letting you see both historical states and how your pipeline is evolving over time. Pipeline snapshotting isn’t included in even many of the most robust Enterprise-grade CRM systems — it often requires a third-party add-on like InsightSquared or Clari — but with HubSpot, it’s baked into the core platform.
  • The best part of Sales Analytics is that all 20+ of our new reports start working as soon as you start managing and tracking your sales process in HubSpot.

Speed of onboarding and getting started 

Implementing CRM systems can be a horrible experience that drags on endlessly. Not so with HubSpot CRM. Think of your time to value in days and weeks, not months and years. Combining HubSpot’s commitment to ‘always easy, deeply powerful’, and BabelQuest’s mission to ‘Unlock the Potential’ of your business, you’ll know you’ve made the right decision before you’ve started.

At the bottom of this article, you’ll find the details of how to arrange a discovery session and demo based on your needs.

Related read: How to roll out a new CRM (and make sure sales is onboard with it)

Connecting the sales team to the rest of the business

Your customers don’t care about your divisions. They just want to buy from you. That means everyone is in marketing and everyone is in sales.

In the same way that your marketing supports your whole company to live and breathe your brand values, your sales team can now engage with the whole company to make the differences that bring in more customers and unlock more potential for your business.

Learn more about the importance of inbound marketing and sales alignment.

Example: better forecasting accuracy — how you’ll do it

Do you need to inform your operations team of what resources or products will be needed so they can schedule better?

Does your senior team need the data on when to invest in more growth?

Getting your forecast right is challenging but it’s the real key to providing better service to prospects in the pipeline, to new customers as they are onboarding, and to existing customers to get more value from working with you.

See all the data 

Rep Productivity — how many calls, emails or meetings are happening? What’s the response times to enquiries or questions within the sales process? How well do reps use collateral and leverage your marketing assets? Are they using automation to reduce admin? Are they using the ABM tools like Target Accounts to make sure they cover all of the different buying roles on the decision making team? Are your reps working hard and smart?

Conversion rates — how are your leads moving through the lifecycle stages from MQL, SQL, Opportunity, Customer and Evangelist? How well does your sales process reduce friction for your prospects as they move through their own buying journey with finely tuned deal stages? What’s the real probability to close from each deal stage?

Engagement of the prospects in the pipeline — last activity, next activity, push and pull rates, time in the deal stage, and more. Plenty of ways to measure which deals are hot or cold, and it can be clear what your sales reps need to do next.

Deal velocity — what factors create urgency? How well can you identify roadblocks and remove them so you become easier to buy from? Why do some reps consistently close deals on time while others tend to push the date out?

ABM tools provide new levels of visibility — how engaged are those prospects who are considering working with you? What does their decision-making unit look like? How well engaged are you with all of the people on their team? Now you can analyse deals (and their probability to close) based on the needs of all of their buying team, not just your sponsor.

Better insight, supported by AI analysis and report automation

The amount of data in your CRM is overwhelming at the best of times and with deal snapshotting, the volume of available data has gone through the roof. Take the leg work out of crunching the numbers. With 20+ sophisticated reports available out of the box, you can start your analysis from many different viewpoints to get to the insight that matters, quickly. 

Don’t spend time preparing reports for meetings. Have them pre-built into dashboards that you can interrogate in the meeting, all with live data. Add the links to the dashboards into your recurring meetings or automate their send-out by email ahead of time.

Find out more about sales enablement automation and how your reps could benefit.

All your data, better insight, now you can take action and see what works.

So what can we share from our own experience and from working with many different sales teams for our clients?

Once you’re set-up, the single most important factor is consistent action — that’s the best way to unlock the potential of your sales team. Make it easy to improve each day. Put the power to make those improvements in the hands of your reps and managers, so they can drive growth by making small incremental improvements every day.

Here’s an example of the power of consistent small improvements:

Factoring in holidays, average absences and training days, you can expect to have 46 working weeks in a year. If you make a one percent improvement every week, the compound effect of those small improvements leads to a 56.48 percent overall growth for the year.

With HubSpot Sales Hub Enterprise, you don’t have to wait a week to find a one percent improvement opportunity. Because all of your data is captured, organised, analysed and then presented to you and your team in real-time, your opportunities to make those small improvements are in real-time, too.

Let’s do a comparison of that effect for a daily increase:

Assuming 230 working days per year (5x those 46 weeks in the example above), the compound effect of one percent improvement per day, gives you an 876 percent improvement over the year.

Don’t have a year to wait? Well consider how long it will take you to get to that 56.48 percent improvement with a daily one percent improvement — that’s a little over 9 weeks. Start now and you can make that improvement a reality for this quarter.

Now, we aren’t suggesting that you’ll do this consistently every day. A life in sales is full of disruptions and big wins are going to get in the way as much as any other obstacle, but consider the difference in those numbers as your growth potential of 56.48 percent to 876 percent, just by bringing the insight up to daily actions rather than weekly.

That’s a 15 x improvement in your growth opportunity from nothing more than very small improvements each day. The kind of improvements that are easy to find and hard to miss with the AI-powered Sales Analytics tools in Sales Hub Enterprise.

Unlock your potential with HubSpot's sales enablement software

The key takeaway from the new announcements made at INBOUND 2020 for Sales Hub Enterprise is ‘Unlock the Potential of your Sales Team’.

So, how are you supposed to do that? Well as we’ve mentioned a few times, HubSpot is always easy — meaning high rep adoption, and deeply powerful — meaning you get to make the differences that make the difference, every day.

Book a demo of the Always Easy, Deeply Powerful HubSpot Sales Hub Enterprise  now.

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