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Working in a Digital Marketing Agency: An Inside View

Working in a Digital Marketing Agency: An Inside View

Dr Thomas Brown
Dr Thomas Brown

Through working at BabelQuest, an Oxfordshire based digital marketing agency, I have learnt a great deal and I wanted to share the top three things that I have come across whilst I have been working here.

1. Transparency

Working in a Digital Marketing Agency: An Inside View

Transparency is often not valued in the workplace as much as I feel it should be, with various people having their own agendas, or perhaps a lack of communication. BabelQuest is not like this at all, instead you are encouraged to be clear and open which increases my motivation as there is no need to question why some information has been omitted. It is also better in business terms, as if you know a colleague’s client project is going live and you know a way of improving their inbound marketing strategy then you can share that information, benefitting everyone.

Of course not everything is shared, as some information can be highly sensitive. But the important things, particularly aims and objectives, opportunities and concerns tend to be shared, which I do appreciate.

2. Team

This leads me to ‘team’. At BabelQuest I feel there is very much a team spirit. We help each other with various tasks and projects to achieve the best possible results for the business and for our clients. There is also a sense of team when I am the office, in terms of communication. I feel like I am part of BabelQuest, rather than just any employee in any other office, and that what I do matters overall to the business. Without this feeling of team, I feel that I would quickly become a “clock-watcher”, rather than pushing myself to achieve the best results under the guidance of the business leaders.

3. Trust

Both transparency and team values would not be able to stand without some trust. There is trust that information will be kept within the company where appropriate, trust that we will all meet important deadlines, trust that we will ask for help and assistance if a project is too difficult to handle alone and finally trust in each other’s ability to deliver. I believe this to be a core value at BabelQuest, as it should be everywhere because being at work does not mean you should be babysat, but rather should provide opportunity to take real responsibility. And that’s exciting!

There are numerous other things that I have learnt from working at BabelQuest and will continue to do so, but I feel these three things are what I value the most and therefore have enhanced my experience here. I am grateful and proud to have the opportunity to work in such a welcoming environment.

If you share our passions, are naturally curious, and have a love of inbound, then we want to hear from you. Click the button below to explore our current vacancies.

Image source: Chris Potter


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Dr Thomas Brown
Author Bio
Dr Thomas Brown

Tom is BabelQuest's Principal Copywriter. He has a PhD in Creative Writing from the University of Southampton and is a novelist with Sparkling Books.

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