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How to Optimise Website Conversions in HubSpot [+ Free Checklist]

How to Optimise Website Conversions in HubSpot [+ Free Checklist]

Hollie Higa
Hollie Higa

Discover how to optimise website conversions and generate more of the right kind of leads using HubSpot.

It’s one thing knowing how to increase conversions and another putting theory into practice — never mind doing so in time for that next reporting date/presentation/KPI meeting.

A big reason for this is that all the goodwill in the world won’t increase conversions if you haven’t got the means to implement it. 

We’re talking about technology, and this is where HubSpot’s CRO (conversion rate optimisation) functionality really shines, giving you the tools you need to make your conversion rate dreams a reality.

In this article, discover what those tools look like and how you can use them.

Download your copy of our CRO Checklist for the key takeaways.


10 ways to optimise your conversion rate using HubSpot


1. Use HubSpot’s CTA builder to create personalised CTAs

Many routes to conversion start with a CTA (call to action). For a CTA to effectively drive conversions, it needs to speak to the reader. As website visitors become more discerning about the copy they read and companies they engage, generic, catch-all CTAs reused across multiple pages won’t cut it anymore. Personalised CTAs are the way forward. 

HubSpot’s CTA builder couldn’t be easier to use. Choose between a text, image, or button CTA in your preferred colour, then tailor the copy, image, or button type respectively using preset options or file uploads to create a personalised CTA specific to that page.

2. Mirror your CTAs in HubSpot’s landing pages

The smoother the journey between CTA and landing page, the smoother the user experience. Mirroring your CTA design, colours, and language on the destination landing page shows the reader they’re in the right place when they click through to it.

HubSpot’s landing page builder is both comprehensive and intuitive. It’s no trouble to match your CTA copy to the landing page header copy, for example, echoing the CTA’s promise. If this is what struck a note with the person clicking through, it’s going to reassure them that they’re in the right place when they hit your landing page. 

If you’ve used an image-based CTA, are the same images used on the destination page? HubSpot’s image library makes reusing images across CTAs and landing pages effortless.

Related read: How to Start Fixing the Conversion Rate Problem

3. Using the same tool, tidy your landing page designs

A clean, tidy landing page design is important. It only takes one distraction to pull the visitor away from the reason they came there in the first place.

Whether you’ve enticed them with the promise of an ebook, a webinar, a demo, or even a consultation, make it easy for them to find what they’re looking for and engage with it. 

  • In HubSpot, remove the navigation bar from your landing pages so there’s nowhere else for the visitor to go.
  • Using the text editor, keep your body copy short and sweet.
  • A wide range of different text styles makes it easy to bullet point key takeaways or pull out a persuasive quote (more on testimonials below).

Related read: How to Increase Form Conversions Overnight: Left vs. Right Form Placement

4. Showcase HubSpot’s website security credentials

A simple but important consideration that’s often overlooked is your website’s security. Visitors are going to bounce very quickly from your website if they don’t feel safe or, worse, Google sends them a security warning. They certainly won’t convert on it.

The implications of this go well beyond conversion rate optimisation, so make sure your website is HTTPS-encrypted and that it includes an SSL certificate to keep visitors safe.

You don’t need to take action for this one, as just being on HubSpot will prevent the kinds of warnings and risks mentioned above. However, if you’re asking for particularly sensitive data, you might consider referencing HubSpot’s security measures on your landing page. 

HubSpot’s end-to-end approach to data security, privacy, and control means your visitors can submit personal details with the confidence that your infrastructure keeps them safe.

Read more about how HubSpot keeps your data secure, private, and confidential.

5. Create testimonial modules for placement across the site 

The art of conversation rate optimisation is the art of persuasion. We’ve already mentioned how a CTA is essentially a promise to your visitors. Testimonials show your visitors how other people who’ve trusted what you’ve said and converted on your website have benefited.

Do you have specific testimonials for the conversion points in question? People who’ve read and found value in your ebooks can be a good example of this. Perhaps your webinars have been well-received in the past. Could you get a written testimonial or a short video clip from attendees to put on your landing pages or quote in your CTAs, attesting to as much?

Testimonials are easy to build into a module that can then be inserted at the click of a button on any pages where a few words from your happy customers will make all the difference.

For advanced users: Why Smart Content in HubSpot Could Help You Smash Your Conversion Rate Goals (And How to Create It)

6. Use HubSpot’s A/B testing to measure and iterate

Conversion rate optimisation goes hand in hand with continuous improvement. Key to winning on this front and generating more leads is testing what works and what doesn’t. 

  • Is your analytics platform set up correctly to report on your CTAs and landing page performance? Do you have a process in place for checking performance regularly?
  • What about SLAs between Marketing and Sales? A high conversion rate looks good on paper but it doesn’t count for much if none of the visitors converting are suitable prospects.
  • Work with sales to define which of your CTAs, landing pages and the messaging straddling both are delivering the results your business needs to grow.

HubSpot Marketing Hub has A/B testing built into it, so all you need to do is mock up some variations of the desired pages and HubSpot will do the test, monitoring performance so you can clearly see which test drives the highest conversion rate and prioritise it going forward.

Learn all about A/B testing using HubSpot in this dedicated article.

7. Set up pop-ups

We mentioned earlier how people can easily get distracted when browsing online. They might not always make it to your desired destination before exiting your website. When a visitor goes to leave your page, remind them why they came with exit-intent pop-up forms.

In HubSpot, you can create exit intent pop-ups (as well as other types of pop-up forms) which display a form, a CTA to another page, or even a meeting link so the visitor can book in with your team directly. Because we all need a little nudge from time to time.

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Let us demo HubSpot’s CRO tools for you

Whether you’re an existing HubSpot user or you’re thinking about levelling up your business technology with HubSpot, we’re here to help. As I write this, there are over 6,000 HubSpot solutions partners and we’re in the top 0.3% so you can trust us to show you around. 

Perhaps you’d like us to show you how some of the tools and functionalities referenced above work, or where they are, or maybe you’d like a step-by-step walkthrough of how to optimise conversions using Marketing Hub. 

Whatever you’re after, we’re only a few clicks away (or a call, if you’re that way inclined) so get in touch today

Prefer to do it yourself? Download your copy of our CRO Checklist for the key takeaways.


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Hollie Higa
Author Bio
Hollie Higa

Hollie is the in-house Marketing Manager at BabelQuest, an Elite-tier HubSpot Solutions Partner based in Abingdon, Oxfordshire.

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