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A Review of HubSpot Service Hub: What’s New?

A Review of HubSpot Service Hub: What’s New?

Hollie Higa
Hollie Higa

Read our review of what's new in Service Hub and learn how you can use HubSpot's service platform to be there when your customers need you.

Hands up who’s needed a little help from one company or another over the last few years? 

Today, customer support continues to play a vital role in helping organisations to help their customers. But growth platform HubSpot has recognised that many customer service systems don’t deliver the seamless experience that modern customers have come to expect.

They’re not convenient, they’re not easy to use and they often leave customers even more frustrated than when they started. To help its customers deliver a better service for their customers and keep their flywheels spinning, HubSpot has enhanced its Service Hub offering so you’re always there for your customers when they need you most.

In this product update article, find out what’s new in Service Hub, what those features offer, and how they will help you delight, retain, and grow with your customers for years to come.

Are you unlocking the full potential of your customer service software? Find out more about our Service Hub services.


A review of what’s new in Service Hub

Service Hub has relaunched with several notable improvements and exciting new features you can leverage to deliver better customer service and delight your customers.

Below is an overview of these improvements and releases. For more details about each new feature and how your service operations could benefit, click the links or read on.

Existing features:

New features:

Help Desk (aka inbox):

  • [Updated] Enhanced Search
  • [Updated] Agency Presence
  • [Updated] Conversation Forwarding 

Omni-channel Service

  • Ticket Pipelines
  • Ticket Automation
  • In-app Chat
  • Chatbots
  • Facebook Messenger


  • NPS/CES/CSAT Surveys

End User Features

  • Knowledge Base

Help Desk (aka inbox):

Omnichannel Service


End-user Features


New feature: custom views

We all work a little differently, so there’s a lot to be said for being able to customise your workspace around your needs and preferences. Help agents stay focused by giving them the flexibility to create views in the inbox that will help them get their work done.

With custom views, you can:

  • create views based on ticket and conversation properties
  • use ‘and/or’ operators to expand or refine your view criteria
  • view, edit, and delete views


New feature: mobile inbox

You heard it here first — conversations inbox in the HubSpot iOS app is getting an update! HubSpot has redesigned the experience from the ground up to help your agents unlock greater functionality and stay productive on the go.

Benefit from:

  • all new design and improved inbox actions
  • improved collaboration tools, including @ mentions, comments, and email forwarding
  • an agent collision and active visitor indicator
  • the ability to forward emails from the inbox
  • efficiency tools: insert snippets and knowledge base articles in replies on mobile
  • expanded integration with the mobile CRM allowing users to associate contacts to conversations


New feature: channel switching

Nobody likes having to explain their situation over and over, every time they’re passed on to a new service agent. Well, channel switching helps users using the conversations inbox to switch channels from live chat or Facebook Messenger to email on a single thread while preserving conversation history both for the agent and for the end customer.

What’s included?

  • Seamless switch from Live Chat/Facebook Messenger to Email
  • End customers get full chat or messenger history over email. When an agent switches from chat to email, the customer gets a complete conversation history without losing context

New feature: post-chat feedback

As any service manager will tell you, collecting feedback is vital to understanding the customer experience and making incremental improvements to your service.

With post-chat feedback, support agents will now be able to collect customer satisfaction feedback on their chat conversations directly from within the chat once the conversation has closed.


New feature: SLAs


Service-level agreements (SLAs) and ‘working hours’ are core features in a modern help desk. In recognition of this, HubSpot is launching this most requested functionality, with the aim of rolling out even more granular features over time.

At time of writing, new functionality includes:

  • Working hours
  • Time to first response
  • Time to close SLA
  • Reporting
  • Automation
  • UI improvements to visualise SLAs


New feature: service analytics

Uncover key insights with industry standard, out-of-the-box reports to help you deliver a service that’s both efficient and authentic.

Service analytics comes with the reports you need built in, so you can unlock insights fast and resolve customer problems even faster. For example, measure post-support survey scores, average ticket response time, and overall support volume.

What’s new?

  • Ticket time in pipeline report

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And because that isn’t enough…

Customer Portal:

Connected to your shared inbox, your customer portal keeps ticket conversations going between customers and agents, offers access to your company’s knowledge base, and can be customised to create an optimal customer experience.


Custom Surveys:

You can create custom feedback surveys to send to your contacts. These surveys can have custom questions and options including star ratings, radio selects and single line text fields.

Find out how we aligned chatbot functionality with a local council’s knowledge base to unlock self-service and help its customers find the answers they needed. 


Unlock the potential of Service Hub with BabelQuest

Are you meeting your customers wherever they are using their preferred channels? Have you connected their service requirements with their contact records so they never have to repeat a word? Can your customers provide valuable feedback on their experiences? 

Set up correctly, Service Hub can help your organisation achieve all this and much more. But if you’re new to HubSpot or you’ve never implemented Service Hub before, getting there might not be easy. As an Elite HubSpot solutions partner, we’re here to help.

Pick our brains, borrow an extra pair of hands or leave everything with us — whatever your immediate requirements, we’ll work with you to set up the platform around your business needs, so you’re always there to help your customers when they need you most.

To get in touch today, click the image below.


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Hollie Higa
Author Bio
Hollie Higa

Hollie is the in-house Marketing Manager at BabelQuest, an Elite-tier HubSpot Solutions Partner based in Abingdon, Oxfordshire.

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