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Meet the Team: Amanda Marks

Meet the Team: Amanda Marks

Amanda Marks
Amanda Marks

Hi! I’m Amanda and I’ve joined BabelQuest as the People and Culture Manager. Read on to find out more about me, the role and how I will be helping to shape all things people and culture at one of HubSpot’s leading Solution Partners.

I really believe that culture is the lifeblood of a successful company, so I always gravitate towards businesses that appear to celebrate that.  I am also convinced that businesses really need to embrace flexibility in relation to their people.

Sometimes, appearances can be deceptive, of course, and the pandemic has added all kinds of new challenges when it comes to building and preserving a healthy company culture, but it’s also highlighted the vital role that people play in this and just how important it is to look after them — both in times of crisis and more generally. 

When I saw that BabelQuest was hiring for a role focusing on these things, I couldn’t help but want to find out more.

What’s the role?

I’m pleased to be able to say that BabelQuest is every bit the welcoming, fun-loving place to work that I’d perceived it to be. As the People and Culture Manager, it’s now my responsibility to make sure the company continues to feel and operate this way, so that we not only attract the right people when we need them but also retain and develop the superb talent we already have.

I  believe it speaks volumes that a company of BabelQuest’s size has taken on this role as it really shows they truly want the employee experience to be the best it can be.

Related read: Why Culture is the Backbone of Our Agency

What am I looking forward to?

Hopefully adding value and making a difference. I’m really looking forward to getting to know everyone on the team and understanding what makes them tick so I can help to keep them to continue getting the most out of their roles and further their careers at BabelQuest.


I’m sure there are loads of great processes in place already, but I’m hoping to bring my years of experience and expertise to make things even better. Already, I love how open the business is to new ideas. (I’ve got lots of them!)

Related read: Growing Better: Why We Celebrate Personal and Professional Development Every Week

Outside of work, I like...

Dancing in my kitchen listening to music whilst preparing food or spending time with really good friends.  Life is short, so I like having as much fun as I possibly can surrounded by positive people who share my outlook. 

We're hiring! If anything I’ve chatted about here strikes a chord, we'd love to hear from you. Check out our careers page and see if any of our vacancies catch your eye.


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Amanda Marks
Author Bio
Amanda Marks

Amanda is the People and Culture Manager at BabelQuest.

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