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Our HubSpot Health Check Service Explained

Our HubSpot Health Check Service Explained

Bridget Pyne
Bridget Pyne

Get the most out of your portal with a timely HubSpot Health Check that shows you exactly what to focus on and where to improve to unlock the platform’s full potential.

We all know how important it is to get a check-up. 

Whether it’s your car, your pup, or your health, taking a few hours out of your life once or twice a year for a once-over by a trained professional keeps everything ticking along. 

This is how we approached our HubSpot Health Check service and it might be how you like to look at it, too. 

There are lots of reasons why you could be dissatisfied with how your portal’s working. Gremlins in the gearbox. Symptoms of something unpleasant. (“Have you got Dirty Data?”) A feeling that you could be doing better or getting more from your HubSpot investment. 

Our HubSpot Health Check lifts the bonnet on your HubSpot portal to:

  1. understand what’s going on
  2. determine how you could be getting more from it
  3. present this back to you in a way that’s clear, actionable, and helpful

If you’re on the fence about whether you need one, just recall the peace of mind you get after those other check-ups when you know the car’s passed/the pup’s fine/your health is in safe hands. All we’re offering you is the same for your portal.

Read on to find out more about what the service includes and how you’ll benefit.


What is our HubSpot Health Check service?

A HubSpot Health Check is a form of portal audit carried out by one of our platform experts.

Your auditor can examine all areas of your HubSpot portal, with particular emphasis on the focus areas you highlight when you request the service. They’ll then make recommendations for how you can solve the challenges you’re facing and get more from your portal. You’ll receive these in a report followed by a 30-minute call to run through their findings together.

We’ve had fantastic feedback for these documents, which you can use to inform everything from ad-hoc technical fixes and housekeeping to various long-term business strategies.

"Using BabelQuest's Health Check took a big job off our busy sales and marketing teams’ hands. The report enables us to quickly identify areas/processes that need improving within the system to help not only the platform work better but our teams, too. I didn't expect recommendations to be included in the health check but these are invaluable and save us a huge amount of time, helping us to quickly take action on areas that need improvement." Kirsteen Donachie, Global Head of Marketing, Jadu


How does it actually help?

Because HubSpot seamlessly connects your data, teams, and customers around one CRM, even small fixes to the effectiveness of your portal and how you use it can have widespread benefits across your revenue-generating functions (and the back office too, if you’re an Operations Hub user!)

A HubSpot Health Check can solve lots of problems, so that you:

  • see more ROI from HubSpot
  • have confidence that you’re making the right changes
  • trust — and get more value out of — the data in your portal
  • see better results from email marketing
  • ramp up your lead generation
  • utilise sales tools more effectively
  • align Sales with Marketing 
  • get more out of the customer service tools
  • reconfigure your portal more effectively

Depending on which hubs you use and how you’re feeling challenged, not all of these will be relevant, but they give you some ideas of how the service optimises portals like yours.

Prefer to go it alone? Don’t miss: 7 Ways to Get More Value Out of Your HubSpot Portal


How much does it cost? 

The best way to calculate how much your HubSpot Health Check will cost is to use our calculator.

Prices vary between the areas of your portal covered, how deep we dive, and how much of the portal you’d like us to audit, so the calculator is the simplest and quickest way to get a price for your HubSpot Health Check.

A few notes on what’s included (and what isn’t):

  • Portal setup is mandatory and is automatically added on the calculator.
  • The deep-dive into your conversion rates costs more than if we were to go into the same level of detail elsewhere in your portal as there’s significantly more to cover and you’ll receive much more detailed information.
  • We only offer general audits for website traffic and social media as this is usually more than enough detail to optimise your portal in these areas.
  • Reporting is also only available at a general level, this time because deep-dives in this area can quickly get too complex and fall out of scope. If you’re interested in getting more out of your portal’s reporting tools, we’d recommend a technical project under the guidance of one of our HubSpot platform consultants, instead.
  • Sales and marketing alignment is only available as a deep-dive as, again due to the complexity, this requires more setup and optimisation than a general audit covers.

Take me to the calculator


Keep your portal healthy with an Elite HubSpot partner

 Knowing who to turn to for a portal audit isn’t always easy.

  • Will this partner understand what’s going on in my portal?
  • Do they know HubSpot well enough to actually help us?
  • Can I trust their recommendations?

We want you to know that if you choose us to audit your portal, you don’t have to worry about any of these questions. 

Just like your mechanic or your doctor, our auditors have gone through extensive training to get to where they are today. We’ll happily chat with you about our certifications, our many years of experience setting up and managing HubSpot portals, and the feedback we get.

If you’re still not sure — about the us or the service — just drop us a line to find out more. HubSpot is a big place, and it’s easy to get lost. Sometimes, a report is just what you need to turn your portal around and get the most out of HubSpot, now and in the future. 


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Bridget Pyne
Author Bio
Bridget Pyne

Bridget is an Marketing Manager at BabelQuest.

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