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4 Ways to Support Your Sales Team Using Inbound Marketing Automation

4 Ways to Support Your Sales Team Using Inbound Marketing Automation

Lily-Francesca Bristow
Lily-Francesca Bristow

Your business depends on your salespeople’s ability to close new deals and drive revenue. But how long do your reps actually spend selling each week, and how much time is taken up chasing MQLs, creating content, and manually monitoring prospect activity?

Sales enablement services can help, but there's a lot of support your inbound marketing team could already be offering to help drive up results. Help in the form of inbound marketing automation. 

Simply put, marketing automation software can help you speed up and generally improve sales performance overnight. In two minutes, here are four ways how.

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1. Automate the handover of MQLs to your salespeople

Marketing and sales teams are often out of sync. Without a defined way of passing on MQLs (marketing-qualified leads) to Sales, it’s easy for messages to get lost in translation.

Automating the qualification of a marketing lead and setting up this event to trigger a sales notification enables both departments to clearly communicate lead handover.

Discover how HubSpot's sales chatbot reduced unworked MQLs by half.

2. Create an email template encyclopaedia

Two-Minute Tips: 4 Ways to Support Your Sales Team Using Marketing Automation

Emails can be time-consuming — and it’s no fun feeling trapped in your inbox. For Sales, this often involves recreating the same types of emails for prospects at different lifecycle stages. What if you could speed this up for them?

By creating an encyclopaedia of email templates, sales reps can simply select the template they need, customise it, and hit send. This will not only free up time but streamline the overall sales process.

Not familiar with the subject of inbound marketing? Learn all about it here, now.

3. Provide sales with visibility over prospects’ activity

Monitoring your prospects' activity is essential for inbound sales teams. How else will you know if your prospect downloaded your white paper or pricing guide, or what they have been spending their time engaging with? But manually tracking this for every prospect can be a challenge, to say the least. And it doesn't scale.

By setting up notifications so that your sales reps receive an alert every time a prospect undertakes takes a certain action, they can engage prospects when they’re hottest and be better equipped to help.

4. Automate the customer journey post-sale

Keeping up with your prospects as they move through the buyer’s journey is one thing; nurturing them post-sale is another challenge altogether.

Workflow automation makes this so much easier. By automating nurturing campaigns, you can ensure your customer remains delighted with your support and primed for upselling opportunities.

The sales team has an impressive list of responsibilities to juggle, but by automating some of their everyday processes, you can provide the support they require to free up their time and streamline the sales process.

Follow these five automation blueprints to quickly and easily set up your own in this helpful download, available now — just click the image below to get your copy.

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Lily-Francesca Bristow
Author Bio
Lily-Francesca Bristow

Hi, I'm Lily - Business Development Executive at BabelQuest. Talk to me about our services and how we can help your business grow.

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