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5 Benefits of Adding Your Next Event to Your Content Marketing Schedule

5 Benefits of Adding Your Next Event to Your Content Marketing Schedule

Dr Thomas Brown
Dr Thomas Brown

Got an event coming up? Discover five benefits of adding your next event to your content marketing schedule. 

When choosing employees to attend your next event, it’s likely that decision makers and salespeople are your first port of call. In many ways, this makes a lot of sense as you’ll be perfectly poised to network with your prospects and customers.

Your content writer might not be your first choice, but missing them from the guest list equates to at least five missed opportunities to maximise on the value of that event your team has worked so hard putting together. Here’s why:

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5 benefits of adding your next event to your content marketing schedule

1. To provide the coverage your event deserves

five benefits of adding your next event to your content marketing schedule

Sharing what’s covered at your event with a wider audience is an efficient and valuable way of extending its value. A content writer can cover your event for this express purpose, using its takeaways to get content ideas and articulate the highlights to your wider database.

For example, producing an article that summarises the talks and activities that took place at your event creates an opportunity for those who couldn’t make it to still benefit from it.

Better yet, you can use that article to help encourage its readers to attend the next event you hold. Inviting your content writer to your event ultimately enables you to demonstrate thought leadership on the topics covered well after the day is done.

2. To network with prospects and customers

Contrary to popular belief, networking with prospects isn’t just for decision makers; inviting your content writer to your next networking opportunity is an effective way to showcase your company's movers and shakers.

Striking up a content-focused conversation with the right prospect can make for a powerful introduction, especially if your content writer is able to engage attendees and share relevant and helpful tips on the day.

Inviting your content writer to your next event might just facilitate the touchpoint you’ve been waiting for to generate new business — and you never know where those initial conversations might lead.

3. To create a valuable resource and conversion point

Not only does inviting a content writer enable you to produce content following the event, but it presents an ideal opportunity to capture your prospects’ details and improve form conversions across the site.

If you had a range of speakers at your event with presentations, you could incorporate these into your content marketing by producing an insights pack that both your prospects and customers can download. We recently did exactly this for a client, producing almost 300 downloads over a two-day period.

By filling out a short form, non-attendees could receive exclusive insights from an expert panel. In turn, you get to learn more about them and the types of content that may interest them in future.

4. To build and strengthen client relationships

Building a relationship with your prospects and customers is essential if you want to make an impact. Having your content writer present at your events is the perfect opportunity for clients to put a face to a name. (This works the other way around, too!)

As a content writer, it’s all too easy to get stuck into your inbox and realise six months down the line that you’ve never met your client in person. To help your prospects and customers fully, it's essential to gain a thorough understanding of their needs; face-to-face meetings help to facilitate this.

5. To strengthen personal and company brands

Finally, inviting your content writer to company events helps to reinforce their personal brand and identify them as a content expert. Having a member of the content team present who’s completely immersed in your brand’s story, value, and messaging means there will always be somebody knowledgeable on hand to be the brand storytelling ambassador.

Inviting your content writer to your events is no longer optional — it’s essential. To generate the most value from your event (both during and after), it’s a no-brainer. Who will be top of your next event list?

Our most recent event, The Revenue Growth Summitbrought together marketers and salespeople who shared one common goal: the desire to grow better. Couldn't make it? Download the speakers' presentations for free by clicking below.

revenue growth summit grow better


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Dr Thomas Brown
Author Bio
Dr Thomas Brown

Tom is BabelQuest's Principal Copywriter. He has a PhD in Creative Writing from the University of Southampton and is a novelist with Sparkling Books.

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